Foundations of STEM 基础课程

Course Authors: Scott Campbell, Lauren Tabor, Hu LanDate Last Modified: July 11th, 2022
Languages: Bilingual 中英双语Full Course Available

Designed specially for grade 10 students, the Foundations of STEM course will help students develop a strong understanding of the engineering and design process. Throughout this course students will be introduced to a number of transferable skills and concepts. During this course students will complete a variety of authentic learning opportunities that demonstrate how STEM is used in the real world, and will provide students with the opportunity to sample many different areas of study. While the Foundations of STEM program may give students an opportunity to experience STEM education for the first time, others may discover potential career paths and areas of specializations that may interest them.

STEM 基础课程是专为 10 年级学生设计,将帮助学生对工程和设计有更深入的了解。在整个课程中,学生将学习一些可转让的技能和概念。通过诸多真实的学习机会,展示STEM在现实生活中的应用,为学生提供多样化的学习机会,让学生有机会第一次真正地体验STEM教育甚至会对他们今后的学习和事业都带来重大影响。

The Foundations of STEM course is a general purpose course that builds on a number of themes that were first introduced in the General Architecture Course while also exposing students to a wider array of STEM specialties; however, students that want to specialize in a particular field of study may want to continue their studies by taking one of our Elite STEM Specializations such as: Computer Design, Engineering Design, or Technological Design.

STEM基础课程是一门通用课程,其涉及的主题和技能在之前的通用建筑课程中是有所介绍的,只不过STEM基础课程为学生提供了更宽阔的学习领域。当然,如果学生想要在其中的某一领域进行更专业的学习,可以参考我们的 STEM 专业精英课程(如:计算机设计工程设计或技术设计)来继续学习。

NOTE: The Foundations of STEM course introduces all new concepts making it appropriate for all learners, even if they have never taken a STEM course before. Moreover, all activities have been designed to provide students with enough structure and support to ensure the successful completion of each learning activity while also providing students with enough flexibility to customize their own learning. Furthermore, the Foundation of STEM has been designed to be a fully inclusive course. All learning materials can be differentiated easily to accommodate a wide range of skill levels.

注:STEM 基础课程所涉及的概念对之前未曾接触过STEM课程的学习者也适用。此外,所有活动都已提供了完整的解释和材料,也可轻松进行分层教学。

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