Designing A Machine Part 设计机器部分

In the previous lesson you learnt how to create compound shapes by adding and subtracting primitive shapes in your CAD software. In this lesson you will go a step further and recreate an entire machine part at the correct scale using CAD. The first thing you will want to do is to refer back to your drawing of a machine part that you completed in an earlier lesson. You will use this drawing as a guide as you recreate this machine part on the computer. In this project you will want to make sure that you use a number of tools such as the “scale“, “align“, and “join” tools which will help you to accurately recreate this drawing.

在上一节课中学习了如何通过在 CAD 软件中添加和除去原始形状来创建复合形状。在本课中,将更进一步使用 CAD 按照比例重新创建整个机器部分。首先回顾一下上节课中完成的”机器部分”的绘图,以此作为参考,通过使用多种工具,如”比例”、”对齐”和”合并”等,来重新设计绘图。

Step by Step Process 详细步骤

It is usually recommended to start by creating the largest parts first and then work your way downwards, completing the small finishing details last.


Step 1
第 1 步

Insert a cylinder.


Step 2
第 2 步

Then resize the cylinder.


Step 3
第 3 步

Add a cube.


Step 4
第 4 步

Then resize and align the cube to create the overall shape of the machine part.


Step 5
第 5 步

Create a transparent cylinder. Resize the cylinder and place it in the centre of the object.


Step 6
第 6 步

Check the alignment of each object to make sure that each object is perfectly aligned.


Step 7
第 7 步

Group the shapes together.


Step 8
第 7 步

Then create a transparent rectangular prism and place it accordingly.


Step 9
第 9 步

Check the alignment of each object to make sure that the rectangular prism intersect the main shape properly.


Step 10
第 10 步

Group the shapes together to complete the main bracket for this machine part.


Step 11
第 11 步

Create another cylinder. 


Step 12
第 12 步

Then rotate the cylinder. 


Step 13
第 13 步

Resize and then align the cylinder to centre of the main bracket, and make sure that the two objects touch.


Step 14
第 14 步

The last step will be to add a “text” layer.


Step 15
第 15 步

Use this text layer to include your name on the front side of your machine part.


Step 16
第 16 步

Group all of the shapes together one more time to complete your machine part.


Review & Check

Check your project, and make sure that everything is properly aligned.


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