Final CAD Drawing 最终 CAD 绘图

In this lesson you will create an original CAD drawing. The first thing you need to do is to refer back to youroriginal technical drawing assignment which has all of the measurements that are needed to create a proper CAD drawing. As everyone’s original drawing will be different the strategies and approaches necessary to create your final CAD drawing will vary. Take the time to think about how you can build each shape in your design. You may need to experiment a bit to find the best solution for your specific requirements but this is natural. Even the best designers in the world will need to think about how they should approach a design, and they will often need to make numerous revision to fine tune and perfect their final CAD drawings.

本节课要创建一幅原创CAD绘图。首先,回头看看之前的”原始技术绘图项目”,其涵盖的所有测量在本节课中都适用。由于每个人的原始绘图都不尽相同,那么创建最终 CAD 绘图所需的策略和方法也会有所不同。先花点时间思考一下如何构建每个形状,然后再尝试一下,以找到最佳方案。要知道所有的设计师在进行设计的时候都是要花很多时间和精力进行多次修改,最终创建出比较完美的CAD图纸。

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