Introduction to Architectural Drawings 建筑绘图

Architectural drawing is an important skill used in many professions from engineering to creative design. The Civil Engineer who designed the house or apartment you live in would have first drafted an Architectural Drawing before the building was made. The construction workers who built your house or apartment would have had to read the designs to build the building. Even a creative designer such as a home decorator would have had to create designs to determine what furniture would work well, what curtains they would use and the placement of many other items in designing a beautiful and effective living space. 


Symbols for Architectural Drawings 建筑绘图符号

Walls are drawn using s solid black line. 
“Interior Walls” use a thin line. 
“Exterior Walls” use a thick line.

“Windows” are shown by having a break in the solid thick line by a box that has a thiner line than the wall. The box will have a line through the middle like the example“窗户”:在一条粗的实线中画一个长方格,该方格线条比墙壁线条要细,并且该方格中间有一条线穿过,如图所示。

“Doors” are shown as a break in the line of the wall. There will be a diagonal line that shows the door and the direction it opens. A dashed line connects the open end of the door to the next section of the wall. The dashed line is very important as it shows that this line is a door and not a diagonal wall.“门” :在墙壁线条中切出一条线段来表示门及开门的方向,用虚线和另一端墙壁线条部分连接起来。这条虚线非常重要因为其显示的是门而不是墙壁。

Look at this simple drawing of a small office. Can you tell the difference between the different elements in the design?

  1. How many windows are shown in the diagram?
  2. How many walls are shown in the diagram?
  3. How many exterior walls are shown in the diagram?
  4. How many interior walls are shown in the diagram?
  5. How many doors are shown in the diagram?
  6. How many rooms are shown in the diagram?
  7. What else is shown in this diagram?

Activity 活动

Cut out the furniture at the bottom of the page. Arrange the furniture in the empty room. Try many different arrangements.

Try several different arrangements by moving the cutouts of the furniture around. Then decide what arrangement works the best. Once you have a layout that you are happy with, you should draw your final design using the provided room template.

Short Responses 简答题

Answer the following questions in English using complete sentences.

  1. What do you want the function of this room to be?
  2. What furniture do you want to use? 
  3. Will you make walls to divide the space or keep the space open?
  4. Describe the room you designed in Chinese.
  5. Try translating your Chinese description of the room (Rough Draft in English).
  6. Revise and improve your English translation (Final Draft in English).

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