The Unbalanced Glider Test Flight 失衡滑翔机试飞

Simply changing the scale of an object to make a scaled model does not always work out. For instance, the density, strength, and weight of the materials that you use to build your scale model airplane will not be the same as the materials that were used to build the original airplane. This results in balance or structural issues that need to be resolved in-order for your model airplane to fly properly.


The airplane that you are about to build reproduces the dimensions of a real plane as closely as possible, but the model airplane will not fly properly. Your task is to build, test, and redesign the model airplane so that it will fly properly.


IMPORTANT: Due to the materials that you will be using to build your glider, the plane will be off-balanced. This will result in the plane crashing and most likely breaking the first time you fly it. Therefore, it is very important that you are ready to make and record your observations about how the plane flies on your first test flight as you may not get a second chance to try again.


Initial Observations  初步观察

  1. Describe how your model airplane flew. Think about:
    • How did the plane start its flight (i.e. did you throw the plane level to the ground, on a slight incline, or on a slight decline)?
    • Describe how the direction of the plane (also called “flight vector”) changed (i.e. did the front of the plane tilt downwards or upwards during the flight?). 
    • And describe how the plane hit the ground and crashed (i.e. did the pane hit nose first or tale first?).

Brainstorming 头脑风暴

  1. What part of the plane is too heavy? Do you think the front or the back of the plane is to heavy? Why do you think this?
  2. What part of the plane is not strong enough? Did any part of the plane break during your test-flight? Why do you think it broke?

The Redesign 重新设计

  1. What Part of the plane needs to be redesigned so that the plane is properly balanced?
  2. How do you think you can redesign the model airplane so that it will fly better?
  3. Are there any parts of the plane that need to be redesigned to make them stronger so that the plane will not break so easily? 
  4. How would you redesign the plane so that it will be stronger and less likely to break?
  5. Will your proposed changes have any negative side effects that you might need to address? (i.e. if you change part of the plane to make it stronger will your plane be thrown off balance again?)

CER Statement CER声明


Will your proposed changes improve the plane’s ability to fly?

Evidence 证据

What evidence so you have from your experiment would support your claim. 

  • List the problems that need to be resolved.
  • Then list your proposed changes.

Reasoning 推理

Described how your proposed changes will address all of the problems that you have indicated in the “Evidence” section of your “CER Statement”. Do not simply restate your evidence but describe how the changes will resolve each problem (i.e. state the problem, then solution, and then why you think it will work). For example: “__ part of the plane is too __, therefore, our group will __ which will make this part of the plane stronger because __”.


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