Introduction to Aviation Theory 航空理论简介

There were a number of problems that students would have encountered when building the “unbalanced mini glider”. The design of this miniature glider was intentionally flawed and would have required a number of minor adjustments to improve the overall strength and flight ability of this model plane. The aim of the “unbalanced mini glider” assignment was not to create a perfect plane. Instead the main aim of this project was to introduce students to several key concepts, including the idea of balance, structural integrity, materials, and how scale models do not always provide an accurate reflection of what we would expect in the real world.


Review 复习

What was wrong with the “unbalanced mini glider”?

Although the overall portions of this model plane reflect the actual portions of a real plane, there are a number of discrepancies that have resulted from using different materials. These differences in-turn resulted in a number of issues that would have become obvious during test. Firstly, the plane would not have flown straight. Instead the front of the plane would have swooped upwards, while the tail section would start dragging downwards until the plane stalled in midair. At this point the plane would no longer be able to produce lift and it would crash to the ground tail first. Upon impact the fuselage would have likely snapped in two where the body of the plane meets the tail and horizontal stabilizer.


The reason for this is that the tail of the plane is much heavier than it should be, based on the limitations that were introduced by the model materials.


The shape of the wings, stabilizer, and tail in this simple model are rectangular (shown by a red line) based on the foam board construction of this model; however, in real life a plane would have an airfoil that has a very different shape (shown with a green line). The difference between the two shapes results in the model aircraft having a volume that is almost double what it should be in certain locations. This results in the tail of the plane being much heavier than it should be which affected the overall balance of the plane. And this is why the plane would have crashed tail first.


The issue of balance is also greatly exaggerated based on the position of the excess weight relative to the plane’s centre. If you think about mechanical forces in physics, a simple machine such as a lever can be used to reduce the amount of work needed to lift an object. Based on the distribution of weigh relative to its distance from the fulcrum (centre of balance) a larger mass can be moved with less effort. The same thing is happening with the plane but in revers. As the tail of the plane is much further away from the planes centre of balance than the nose is, any differential of weight gets amplified significantly.There is also one more factor that has thrown the mini glider off balance! Can you think about what that issue is based on the following photograph?


In the actual plane there would be space for a pilot, possibly a co-pilot, and all of the planes navigation equipment. All these things would add a lot of weight to the plane which is not accounted for in the design of the mini-glider. This lack of weight at the front of the plane further amplifies the issue of the tail section of the plane which is already over weight.


Mini Glider Conclusion & Summary 微型滑翔机结论和总结

Simply changing the scale of an object to make a scaled model does not always work out. For instance, the density, strength, and weight of the materials that you use to build your scale model airplane will not be the same as the materials that were used to build the original airplane. This results in balance or structural issues that need to be resolved in-order for your model airplane to fly properly.


Introduction to Aviation Theory 航空理论简介

Look at each plane for 10 seconds and think about the following. 观察各飞机10秒然后回答下列问题。

  • What is the function / purpose of the airplane?
  • What is the shape of this airplane’s wing?
  • Why do you think the engineers designed each airplane the way they did?

Common Wing Designs 常见机翼设计

As you can see from this slide show, there are numerous types of wing designed used in the aviation industry. Each design has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, so it is important for engineers to determine the specific needs of the plane that they are designing, analyze any constrains, and make informed decisions. However, despite the seemingly infinite number of designs that you may encounter when studying aviation theory, each design falls into of 10 different categories.


Side Profiles 侧面轮廓

The side profile of a wing shows the shape of the airfoil. Depending on the design of the airfoil the plane may be capable of either sub-sonic or supersonic flight. It is important that the correct airfoil is selected based on intend use of the plane. For instance, sub-sonic designs create a significant amount of lift at low speeds but the wing would be ripped appear at higher speeds. This is very different from a supersonic wing design which is much smaller and stronger. These planes fly based on the pure force of thrust that is created by incredibly powerful engines. Essentially the plane cuts through the air like a knife instead of gently gliding through it.


Top Profile 顶部轮廓

Finally, the top profile of the wing shows the overall shape of the wing when looking down on the plane from above. Again each design has its own unique advantages under certain circumstances.


As a seasoned aviation engineer the details of each of these designs is well known; however, as a student you probably don’t know much about any of these designs just yet. The first thing you should start doing is to think back to planes that you have seen in real life. Perhaps planes that you have flown on or have seen in person at an air show.


Now think about each of the planes that you have seen. What did the wing look like? Can you describe what the front, side, and top view of the plane looked like based on the design samples that have been provided here? Now think about the purpose of that plane. Dose the plane fly at a modest speed or is it incredibly fast? Is the plane highly maneuverable or is it very stable? Is the plane capable of transporting heavy loads or is there only limited space for excess cargo?


Based on these initial observations can you come to any conclusions about what designs may be more suitable than others in a wide variety of scenarios? Now try to formulate a hypothesis which you could then build an experiment for with these observations.


Looking Forward 展望

In the next lesson you will be required to make a number of observations of planes that you have seen in the real world, analyze the function of these planes, and then determine why the engineers designed these planes with particular choices. You will then evaluate the merits of different design choices and create a design for a wing design that you would like to build and test.


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