Creating Compound Shapes 创建复合形状

Regardless of the program you use, all 3D design software applications work relativly the same way. The designer creates compound shapes by adding or subtracting “primitive shapes”. In 3D design primitive shapes include the: “cube”, “cylinder”, “sphere”, “cone”, “pyramid”, and “torus”. In this project you will explore how to use TinkerCAD to create a compound shape. Once completed you will have the all of the necessary skills to recreate any of the Industrial Design Problems drawings using a CAD program.

无论使用哪一种程序,所有 3D 设计软件应用程序的工作方式都大致相同。通过使用添加或移去”原始形状”,设计师可以创建比原始形状复杂得多的新形状。3D原始形状包括”立方体”、”圆柱体”、”球体”、”圆锥体”、”金字塔”和”托鲁斯”。在此项目中,你将探索如何使用TinkerCAD创建一个复合形状,此过程你会学到”工业设计问题”图纸所需的必要技能。

Step by Step Process 步骤过程

Step 1
第 1 步

Always start by giving your projects a suitable name.


Step 2
第 2 步

Set the measurements for each object in this project using mm.


Step 3
第 3 步

Practice using the alignment tool.


Step 4
第 4 步

Click the left most dot to align objects to the left.


Step 5
第 5 步

click the right most dot to align objects to the right.


Step 6
第 6 步

Select multiple objects and use the group tool, or use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + G” to join objects.

选择多个对象合并一起,或使用键盘快捷方式”Ctrl + G”。

Step 7
第 7 步

Use transparent shapes to subtract unwanted portions of an object. Keep in mind that what you want to keep must have a solid fill, and what you want to subtract must be transparent.


Step 8
第 8 步

Once you have grouped all of your shapes together you will have a compound shape that will look something similar to this exemplar.


Looking Forward 展望

Once you are comfortable making compounds shapes you will be ready to move on and create more complex drawings such as a machine part in the next lesson.


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