Flight Test Data 试飞数据

How you throw your glider will greatly affect how it will fly. Therefore, before you start conducting your experiment and recording data you should first determine how you will throw your glider.


Before you conduct your formal experiment you will need to experiment with different ways to throw your plane and observe how the plane flies each time. At this stage of the experiment we are not concerned about recording quantitative data about the gliders flight. Instead we are looking at making qualitative observations (specifically observations about what we can see) during our practice flights.


Qualitative Data 定性数据

With your partners you must determine a minimum of 2 ways to throw your glider and then conduct test flights to determine which method will result in the best results. 


Draw a diagram to illustrate how you threw your glider. Your diagram should focus on illustrating how to throw the glider properly and is not meant to be an artistic illustration. The use of labels and arrows to illustrate force and flight vectors is highly recommended.


Student Samples 学生作品

Describe both methods of throwing the plane that you and your group tried during the pre-testing of your glider.


Approach 1 | 方法1

Approach 2 | 方法2

Which approach to throwing your plane was the most successful? Why do you think this?


Now that you have determined the most effective way of throwing your glider you are now ready to conduct your experiment and record data. It is very important that you throw your glider the exact same way each time your test your plane so that the method of launching your plane does not affect your results.


Record all of your data from your test flights. Make sure that you include all relevant units, and maintain an appropriate number of significant figures for all measurements.


Distance / 距离Time / 时间Speed / 速度
Test 1   
Test 2   
Test 3   
Test 4   
Test 5   

Briefly describe each test flight. Make sure your record any anomalies (i.e. glide collided with another object during flight, the tester tripped while throwing the plane).


Once you have complete your test flight calculate the “Minimum”, “Maximum”, and Averages for all of your test flights.


Distance / 距离Time / 时间Speed / 速度

Technical Specifications 技术规格

Draw a sketch of your airplane. The scale does not need to be perfectly accurate but your drawing should be competed using a ruler. However, your drawings must include relevant measurements (i.e. the location and position of the wing) so that future engineers can reproduce your glider’s measurements and proportions so that your experiment can be validated by future scientist.


Student Samples 学生作品

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