Drawing With Perspective Rubric 视角绘图评价量规

A technical drawing at this level largely accomplishes all of the following:

  • All of the practice activities have been completed to a very high standard;
  • All of the lines in the final diagram have been drawn perfectly straight using a ruler and converge at the appropriate / necessary points for the specific diagram;
  • Red and blue guidelines have been used effectively and have been drawn lightly so that the guide lines are visible but are not intrusive;
  • The diagram has been shaded or coloured which gives the shape form. The quality of the shading is excellent and it takes into consideration the position of the light source and the shadows the object would cast if the object was real.

A technical drawing at this level largely accomplishes all of the following:

  • All of the practice activities have been completed using a ruler but may have some minor mistakes or even some miss-alignments;
  • All of the lines in the final diagram have been drawn straight using a ruler, but there may be the occasional error (i.e. miss-alignment, an overshot line, etc. );
  • Guide lines have been used but they may have been drawn using a single color, or they have been drawn using a thin line or dark colour;
  • The diagram has been shaded and there is evidence of light and shadow being considered by the student when completing their drawing.

A technical drawing at this level is marked by one or more of the following:

  • All of the practice activities have been completed but lines have been drawn by hand and may not be perfectly straight;
  • The lines in the final diagram have been drawn by hand but are relatively neat, or if the lines have been drawn with a ruler, there may have been an accumulation of errors (i.e. miss-alignment, an overshot line, etc. );
  • Guidelines may have been used but have been erased, or the diagram has been freehanded with a relatively high degree of accuracy;
  • The diagram has been shaded but is inaccurate (i.e. the same tone on all sides).

A technical drawing at this level reveals several of the following weaknesses: 

  • All of the practice activities may have been attempted but may have a number of mistakes such as: miss-alignments, poor line quality, etc.;
  • The lines in the final diagram have been drawn by hand and may also have an accumulation of errors (i.e. miss-alignment, an overshot line, etc. );
  • Guidelines have not been used effectively or are very messy;
  • The diagram has some shading, but the shading may be incomplete, inaccurate,  or is very messy.

A technical drawing at this level is seriously flawed:

  • The practice activities are incomplete or seriously flawed;
  • The lines in the final diagram may: be very messy, do not converge at the appropriate points, and / or lines that should be perpendicular are slanted;
  • Guidelines have not been used to complete the final diagram;
  • The diagram has not been shaded.

A technical drawing at this level does not meet expectations:

  • A drawing at this level is far from being complete or is completely unacceptable.

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