Original Technical Drawing 原创技术绘图

For this assignment you will be required to demonstrate your ability to draw “orthographic” and “isometric” drawings of a real 3-dimensional object.


Task: find an object that has a suitable size. It should be small enough that you can hold it in your hand, but big enough that you can draw detailed diagrams of the object. Choose an object that interests you and that is within your technical ability to draw. For example, you may decide to draw: a rubrics cube, a Lego block, a tea cup, a toy car, etc. Keep in mind that your object should have relatively simple edges. Don’t attempt to draw something with a complex or organic shape like a flower, or an engine.


When completing your diagram you should try to align all 3 “orthographic” views (Front, Top, Side) and then draw your “isometric” drawing in the space that is left over. You can look at the example below for reference. A sample project has also been provided on the back page of this activity book. Don’t forget to add “labels” and “guide lines”. You should also try to include measurements in your diagram if possible. 

当你完成你的图表时,你应该试着对齐3个“正投影”图(主视图,俯视图,侧视图),然后在剩余的空白处画出你的“等距”图。你可以参考下面的示例。本活动书的末页也提供了一个示例项目。别忘了加上“标签(Front, Top, Side)”和“辅助线”。如果可能的话,你还应该尝试在制图中记录各条边的测量值(长宽高等)。


Project Sample

Student Samples 学生作品

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