Sling Shot Jet – Mini Design Log 微型设计日志

Personal design logs are an important habit for students to develop. Not only do they help promote important literacy skills such as reading and writing, they also are a common requirement for large corporate projects as well.


Procedures 步骤

  1. Describe all of the materials, tools, and processes that are required to build the “Sling Shot Jet”. Try to make your “procedures” as detailed as possible so that other people will be able to recreate your “experiment” in the future.
    描述制作 “弹弓战斗机” 所需的所有材料、工具和过程。尽可能让你的 “步骤” 详细,这样其他人就可以重新创建你的 “实验” 。
    • Make a list of all of the materials that you used to build your “Sling Shot Jet”.
    • Make a list of all of the tools that you used to build your “Sling Shot Jet”.
    • Describe the all of steps that are required to make the “Sling Shot Jet”.
    • How did you test your plane to see if it would fly?
    • Did you make any changes to your plane to see if you could make it fly any better? What changes did you make? What was the result of these changes? 

Personal Reflection 个人反思

  1. Think about your experience building the “Sling Shot Jet” for the first time. Think about what you found easy, what you found the most difficult, and what would you have done differently if you were to do the experiment again?
    回顾你第一次制作 “弹弓战斗机” 的经历,哪些你觉得容易,哪些觉得困难,如果你再做一次实验,你会有什么不同的做法?
    • What did you find the easiest part of building the “Sling Shot Jet”?
    • What did you find the most difficult part of building the “Sling Shot Jet”?
    • Did you change your strategy or approach to doing something when you found it difficult, or did you keep doing what you were doing in the same way? Why did you, or why did you not, change your strategy if you found that something was difficult?
    • What advice would you give someone building the “Sling Shot Jet” for the first time?

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