Assessing a Design Using 3D Printed Objects 使用3D打印物评估设计

Using tackle objects such as 3D printed figurines can be a very useful tool for assessing an architectural drawing. By printing these objects at the correct scale (either 1:100 for the original drawing, or 1:50 for the final scale model), designers can preview the effectiveness of a given space. When placed on a 2D design the figurines can help give the designer a sense of whether or not a hallway is large enough. It also becomes evident if all of the rooms have been sized appropriately. By moving the figurine the architect can easily asses if people will be able easily to navigate throughout the room and around any furniture. If there is not enough space to move the figurines throughout the entire layout without the the figurines touching the edges of a wall of colliding with furniture then a redesign may be necessary.

用触感物体(如 3D 打印雕像)可以作为评估建筑绘图的有用工具。通过不同比例打印出这些物体(如原始绘图为 1:100比例,或最终模型为 1:50比例),设计者可以预览给定空间的有效性。比如把打印雕像放在一个走廊或卧室的平面设计中,可以帮设计师来感受设计的空间是否足够大。如果打印雕像能轻松地串游整个房间而不触及任何家具,那么该设计可行,否则,则需要重新设计。

These figurines have been provided for you at a scale of 1:100 and another set at a scale of 1:50.
Just import into your splicing software of choice and hit print on your 3D printer.

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