Subject Specialist Applications
Subject specialists will likely want to apply for jobs specific to their area of expertise; therefore, to make things easier for requirement agencies and schools to find the right applications for key positions we have created 7 main categories for educators to submit their applications too. Please select the category that best suites your area of expertise. By applying as a subject specialist your application will be viable to schools and requirement agencies across China.
Academic Leadership
Individuals seeking positions as part of a schools senior leadership team should apply here. A general list of the common leadership positions is listed below.
- School Principals
- Assistant Principals
- Cricciulum Cordinators
- Directors (Academic, Marketing, etc.)
Primary or high-school teachers who are trained and capable of offering a wide array of subjects may want to applying as a generalist.
Most high-school programs (international, bilingual, and state run schools) will typically want subject specializes for the various social studies courses. Please clearly indicate which course offerings you are capable of offering in your application. A general list of the common specialties that schools are looking for is provided below.
- History
- Geography
- Civics
- Business Studies
- Economics
This is the largest category as it covers all of the potential language offerings; therefore it is important for you to clearly indicate on your resume your areas of specialization to help requirement agencies and and schools properly place you. An overview of some of the most desired language specialization is listed below:
- English Language Arts (ELA), English for Academic Purposes (EAP), and English Literature;
- English and Second Language (ESL), English as an Additional Language (EAL), and TOEFL or IELTS prep;
- Additional Languages: French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Korean;
Maths and Sciences
Math and sciences is the second largest category and is culturally one of the most desired areas of specialization in China. Although most schools will typically have teachers teach either math or science some smaller schools will need teachers that can teach more than one speciality.
- Maths: General Mathematics, Geometry, Algebra, Calculus
- Sciences: General science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Technological Education
Teachers who are capable of teaching any of of the following high-tech subject specialties should apply here.
- Information Communication Technology (ICT)
- computer science
- Design Technology
The Arts
The arts is a broad category and covers any of the creative fields of study from traditional arts to the digital arts and the performing arts. The arts is such a broad area of specialization and not all schools offer comprehensive arts programs so it is important to clearly indicate which specialities you are capable of offering.
- Fine Arts
- Music
- Film Studies
- Graphic Design
- Photography
- Drama
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