Designing a Kitchen 设计厨房

In this project you will practice using isometric graph paper to create an accurate drawing of a custom kitchen interior. Although all of the measurements and a sample design has been provided to assist you in this task, you are free to make changes to the design of the kitchen the same way a professional designer would. Try and create the best design that you can. Then your design is finished you can try calculating how much your proposed kitchen design would cost to build. For an added challenge you can even try creating a professional looking quote using one of the many customizable templates that are available in Microsoft Word or Excel.


Instructions 说明:

  1. Use the provided Isometric Graph Paper to the right of the projectexemplar to create a 3D view of a kitchen.
  2. Use your own imagination to add things to your kitchen. For example, you can add sinks, stoves, decorative siding to the cabinets etc. Your finished diagram should be unique. You can look at the example to the right to get some ideas for your project, but remember, be creative with your final design.

Student Samples 学生作品

Practice Problems 实践问题

Complete the following calculations and write your final answers using complete sentences. Please note that the following questions will require you to make measurements using a scaled diagram, use the provided conversion rate to determine the actual size of the object in real life, and then determine surface area or volume of the object accordingly.


  1. Calculate the surface area of the counter tops in the provided kitchen design. 
  1. Calculate the volume of the cabinets underneath the countertop.
  1. Calculate the volume of the cabinets that are mounted on the wall.
  1. Calculate the surface area of the cabinets that are mounted on the wall.
  1. Calculate the cost of the counter top if you were to use the following materials:
    • Granite at 175RMB/m
    • Riverstone at 56RMB/m
    • Marble at 295RMB/m 
      大理石295元/ m
    • Composite at 84RMB/m
      复合材料84元/ m
  1. Calculate the cost of the cabinets if the average cost of cabinets is 2,800RMB per cubic meter. 
  1. Calculate the cost of cabinet doors for your wall mounted cabinets if:
    • Solid wood cabinet doors at 98RMB per square meter.
    • Deluxe cabinet doors with glass inserts at 240RMB per square meter.

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