Simple Glider Action Research Paper 简易滑翔机项目研究论文

Your report must include all of the following:

  1. A cover page that includes the name of the course, project title, and the names of each member in your group.
  2. Each group member will be required to write an individualized learning log that is at least half a page in length. This should include things such as:
    • What you found easy;
    • What you found difficult;
    • What you would do differently if you did the project again;
    • And what it was like working together in a group.
  3. Write a one page description of the choices you made when designing your plane. i.e. discuss things like why you decided to design the plane the way you did:
    • Why did you make the wing bigger or smaller;
    • Why did you make the wing flat, or why did you add a bend in the the wing;
    • Why did you place the wing where you did;
    • And how did you balance your plane.
  4. Write at least half a page describing if your plane flew as you expected it would? Describe why you think the plane (did or did not) fly as you had anticipated.
  5. Do some research and then write a minimum of 1 page describing how planes fly. Focus on the importance of the wing.
  6. Based on your research determine if the design choices that you discussed in Question 3 were (accurate or inaccurate) and discuss why they were either (accurate or inaccurate).
  7. Include a works cited page listing all of the websites that you used when researching how airplanes fly. All of your citations must be complete and accurate. The correct format for an MLA citation is shown below:

(The authors last name, first initial). (The name of website). (The sponsoring organization). (The date you accessed or went to the website) <URL (the complete web site address)>.
(作者的姓和名)。 (网站名称)。 (赞助组织)。 (你访问网站的日期) < URL (完整的网址)>。

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Additional resources:

For additional help on formatting an MLA style report, please refer to the “MLA Cheat Sheet” lesson from the course Computing for Academic Purposes.

To add electronics such as a recover beacon or aviation control lights please refer to “Aviation Projects” in the resource section Electronic & Circuit Design.