Acceptable Behaviour Agreement 行为规范同意书

Every student is important in this room, and no student is more important than anyone else. Our goal is to achieve the best education we can. To make this happen, we all need to obey certain rules. This means you will have to behave in a certain way, so that everyone gets the best education possible. These are the basic rules that everyone must follow. Failure to follow these rules will result in a sanction. Success in following these rules will lead to everyone’s success.


  1. The teacher is in charge of the classroom. Students are required to follow any reasonable instruction that is given by the teacher. 
  2. No food or drink is allowed.  Everyone is responsible for keeping this classroom clean.
  3. Everyone in the class must listen when the teacher, or any student assigned to speak, is speaking. 
  4. All students must show they are participating fully by sitting up straight, listening, and both answering and asking questions during class. Sleeping, slouching, or having one’s head on the table is not acceptable. 
  5. Every student should bring their own learning materials to each and every lesson. 
  6. At the beginning of the lesson, students should take their assigned seats, and quickly begin the work that has been given to them.
  7. All classwork and homework must be handed in on time and be completed to the best of your ability. 
  8. No one is permitted to leave the room without permission. At the end of class, the teacher will dismiss you once the classroom and all workspace have been cleaned up. Do not leave when the bell rings. Wait for the teacher to properly dismiss the entire class.
  9. All students should be respectful of every other student in the class, the teacher, and to any guests that may be present in the room. 
  10. Electronic devices can only be used with permission from the teacher.

I agree to abide by these rules, and I understand what I must do to uphold these rules.


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