Introduction to Materials and Design (The Sling Shot Jet) 材料和设计简介

In this activity students will get a chance to learn about materials and processes as they build a simple plane. The aim of this project is to help students develop the procedural skills that they will need to attempt larger more complex designs in the future (click for design ideas). Students should familiarize themselves with the tools and materials that they will use, while also exploring concepts such as balance in the design of an airplane. By practicing these skills first, students will be better equipped to fully interact with the ideas and concepts that are covered in the final.


To complete this project students should work in pairs or by themselves if there are an odd number students (groups of 3 don’t work out well as one person tends to get left out). First mount the designs on a sheet of A3 foam-board and then cut out each of the sections of the plane. With all of the parts cutout students will need to figure out how all of the parts assemble.


With the plane fully assembles students can then use a bit of hot glue to secure all the pieces together. It is recommended to use an 8w glue gun that uses 7mm glue sticks.


NOTE: The larger 20w glue guns that use the 11mm glue sticks get to hot and can melt the foam-board and can also cause serious burns if misused.


Once students have completed their plane you can have them find an open area to fly them. They may not fly well at first as the balance of the plane may be off. So the next things students will want to do is to add counterweights to their planes to make their planes fly better. You can buy a scientific weight sets for this but 1RMB coins work just as well. When adding weights to the plane ask students the following questions: “what is missing?”, “an engine perhaps?”, “where would the engine go and how would that affect the weight distribution of the plane?”


Extended Learning Opportunities

To add complexity this project you could have students attempt to recreate their planes on the computer. TinkerCAD offers a great free online solution for students to design and build objects on the computer. Have students measure the plane, the lengths of each side, the angles, everything and then try to recreate those measurements as accurate as they can on the computer. It is harder than it sounds but it is a skill that is in high demand and is worth spending the time developing.


Sample of the Slingshot Jet created using TinkerCAD, and then colourized in Adobe Dimensions.

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