Generic Circuit Board Rubric 通用电路板评分细则

A circuit board at this level largely accomplishes all of the following:

  • The circuit board works properly and performs all of the desired functions;
  • Customizations and improvements have been made to the initial circuits design (i.e the circuit board could have been miniaturized or improved functionality added, etc.), or a more complicated circuit has been attempted;
  • All of the components are logically laid out and all of the wires are accurately measured and placed on the circuit board where necessary;
  • The back of the circuit board is neat and is smooth to the touch (i.e. there are no sharp protrusions) and all the soldering points have been soldered and wire leads have been trimmed flush to the circuit board.

A circuit board at this level largely accomplishes all of the following:

  • The circuit board may not work properly but there are no visual indicators as to why it’s not working as intended (i.e. the circuit may not work due to a defective component being used or being inadvertently damaged);
  • The initial circuit design has been completed to a high standard based on the provided schematics and/or basic customizations have been attempted;
  • All of the components are laid out logically on the circuit board and most of the wires are accurately measured and placed on the board where necessary;
  • The back of the circuit board is neat but may not be perfectly smooth to the touch (i.e. there may be some sharp wire leads left after trimming), but all of the  soldering points have been soldered and trimmed.

A circuit board at this level is marked by one or more of the following:

  • The circuit board is unable to work as intended due to one or two minor design flaws that could be fixed easily with some additional effort;
  • The initial circuit design has been completed with several minor mistakes or ineffective customizations have been made (i.e. cutting corners to save time);
  • All of the components are laid out on the circuit board but wires may not be measured accurately and/or placed on the board where necessary;
  • The back of the circuit board is not smooth; some soldering points may have been missed, or there may be wire leads that could touch unintentionally.

A circuit board at this level reveals the following weaknesses:

  • The circuit board is unable to work as intended due to several design flaws;
  • The initial circuit design has been attempted with limited success;
  • The components may not be laid out logically on the circuit board, wires are not measured accurately or may not be placed on the board where needed;
  • The back of the circuit board is messy, soldering points have been missed, and/or there are wire leads or blobs of solder that result in short-circuits.

A circuit board at this level is seriously flawed:

  • The circuit board has an accumulation of errors that are beyond repair;
  • The initial circuit design has been attempted with very limited success;
  • The components have not been laid out properly, the wrong components have been used, there are a number of components completely missing and/or omitted, or wires are not measured and/or are missing completely;
  • The back of the circuit board is very messy, soldering points have been missed, and there are a large number of long and/or sharp wire leads.

A circuit board at this level does not meet expectations:

  • The circuit board has not been assembled and/or is far from being completed (i.e. there may be a few components loosely placed on the circuit board).

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