Developing a Sustainable STEM Program | 制定可持续的STEM计划

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This is the 3rd session of our series of interactive live discussion on STEM Education will also feature the internationally acclaimed educator, education leader, STEM education expert, curriculum developer, workshop leader, and expert in 21st century K-12 education, Mr. Scott A. Campbell (Founder and CEO of Sino Educational Exchange).
本次作为STEM 教育系列的第3场线上研讨会,将邀请国际知名的教育家、教育领导者、STEM 教育专家及课程开发者、21 世纪 K-12 教育专家:胡屹龙先生 (中外合作交流协会创始人兼首席执行官)担任研讨会演讲嘉宾。
Webinar/Virtual PD Synopsis | 研讨会概要
In continuation to the presentation “Why there is no future in STEM – and what we can do to fix the problem”, this scheduled presentation – “Developing a Sustainable STEM Program” – will explore how we can develop a sustainable STEM program from scratch through a modelled sample program. Moreover, the reason as to why each program decision was made will be articulated from the standpoint of educational pedagogy and logistics. The decision-making process will be explained and modelled for participants.
接续上一期研讨会《为什么STEM 没有未来》中,共同探讨我们可以做些什么来解决没有未来的这个问题,而在本期举办的研讨会主题为《开发可延续的 STEM 计划》,将探讨我们如何通过教学建模案例从头开始开发可持续的 STEM 计划。此外,将从教育学和物流的角度阐明每个项目决定的原因,将为与会者解释和决策过程。
During this Webinar/Virtual PD, Mr. Campbell will interactively demonstrate how to:
本次网络研讨会期间,STEM 教育专家将以互动方式演示,如何……
- Develop cost effective solutions to education that focus on transferable learning outcomes and which can withstand the test of time
制定具有成本效益的教育解决方案,注重可转移的学习成果,并经得起时间的考验 - Avoid making costly mistakes by being drawn in by educational gimmicks or technological fads
避免被教育噱头或技术潮流所吸引而犯下高昂代价的错误 - Apply educational theories to develop custom-made curricula that uphold the true nature of STEM Education and reinforce the delivery of rigorous academic standards
应用教育理论开发定制化课程,坚持STEM教育的本质,强化严格的学术标准 - Maximize the Return on Investment (ROI) by creating cost-effective programs that are sustainable in the long run
通过创建长期可持续的高成本效益方案,最大化的提高投资回报率(ROI) - Build a program that can grow and evolve with your school so that you can develop a number of Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) programs that set your school apart from the rest
建立一个可以与你的学校共同成长和发展的项目,这样你就可以开发出一系列高专业技能(SHSM)课程项目,使你的学校与众不同 - Lay the necessary foundations that will allow you to create multiple pathways for success for each and every one of your students
As with all material presented in the previous and upcoming ones in this series, the entire sample program that will be modelled during this Webinar/Virtual PD has been made available, completely free of charge, through Sino-Exchange.
Sino-Exchange provides access to a fully developed and adjustable curriculum and to resources, already piloted and tested in schools across China, which are translated and available in a bilingual format which addresses the needs of an ESL learning environment. No matter what your needs, no other presentation will give you this level of access or ongoing support.
Mr. Scott A. Campbell 胡屹龙 先生

Scott Campbell is a dreamer, and like most dreamers he has grand ideas on how to make the world a better place. Recently he has founded an educational not-for-profit which aims to do just that. But this isn’t the first time Scott has taken on an ambitious undertaking though. Moving around a lot as a child Scott had attended many schools both at home and abroad, and at the age of 16 he returned to Canada after studying in Japan. Still in high-school at the time, Scott started his own company, and by the age of 18 his company was already turning a profit and had been granted a Federal Tax ID. During this time Scott balanced his commercial contracts with the pursuit of a higher education and earned a total of 6 degrees from: Sheridan, St. Lawrence, Queens, Thompson Rivers University, and the University of Cumbria. While operating his company Scott also branched off into R&D – developing and patenting the world’s first 3D-RML technologies. Then in 2012 Scott sold his company so he could pursue his dream of becoming a teacher. Since then Scott has worked all over China and has helped a number of schools launch their own STEM programs. However, recently Scott has started shifting his attention back to the private sector – not for higher personal gain but for the pursuit of a higher purpose. His organization Sino-Exchange, although small, is now providing educators and students alike access to free educational resources. Why? So that anyone, regardless of their social or economic background, can have the opportunity to learn.
胡屹龙先生是一个梦想家,和大多数梦想家一样,他对如何让世界变得更美好有宏伟的想法。最近,他成立了一家非营利教育组织,创办主旨即是如何让世界走向美好。但这并不是胡先生第一次雄心勃勃的创建事业,他小时候经常四处走动,并曾在国内外上过很多学校,16岁时他在日本学习后回到了加拿大。当时还在上高中的胡先生创办了自己的公司,到18岁时,他的公司已经开始盈利,并获得了联邦税号。在此期间,他在取得商业合同与追求高等教育之间取得平衡,并获得了谢里登大学、圣劳伦斯大学、皇后大学、汤普森河大学和坎布里亚大学的6个学位。在经营公司的同时,还涉足研发领域,开发世界上第一个3D-RML 技术并申请专利。然后在2012 年,胡先生卖掉了他的公司,这样他便可追求成为一名教师的梦想。从那时起,胡先生一直在中国各地工作,并帮助许多学校推出了自己的 STEM课程。然而,最近他开始将注意力转移到私营部门,不是为了更高的个人利益,而是为了追求更高的目标。他所创办的非营利组织-Sino-Exchange中外合作交流组织,虽然规模很小但现在正为教育工作者和学生提供免费教育资源。如此,以便于任何人,无论社会或经济背景状况如何,都可以有机会学习。
Interviewer | 研讨会采访人
Fouad Sila 华泉艺文教育·国际教育部总监

Our honorable guest will be interviewed by Fouad Sila. Fouad holds a B.Ed. and an MBA. He started his education mission in 2004 as a teacher of English, and, over the years, he accumulated expertise in a variety of pedagogical fields, such as: curriculum development, pedagogical methodologies, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, and conducting workshops for educators from around the world, to name just a few. He recently joined Hua Quan Village’s family as the Director of Education.
我们的贵宾将接受 Fouad Sila 先生的采访,Fouad拥有教育学学士学位和MBA。他于2004 年成为一名英语教师便开始他的教育使命,多年来,他在各种教学领域积累了专业知识,例如:课程设计、教学方法研究、课外活动教学实践,以及为来自世界各地的教育工作者举办研讨会…等等。他最近加入了华泉艺文休闲度假村团队,担任华泉艺文教育·国际教育部总监一职。
English | 中文 | |
Date & Time | Saturday, August 13 @ 14:00 Dubai Time/ 18:00 China Time | 2022年8月13日(六) 北京时间 下午18:00 |
Duration | 1h45 minutes | 会议时间预计1小时45分 |
Venue | Via Zoom | 研讨会将透由在线会议软件Zoom进行 |
Language | English with live Chinese (Mandarin) subtitles | 英文主讲,即时中文字幕呈现 |
Admission | Free of Charge | 全程免费线上与会 |