Apply For A Job Based On A Geographic Region
China is generally broken down into 7 main regions. These regions are typically called “中国七大地理地区” which means the “7 Geographical Regions of China”. These regional classification get used from everything from government apps to travel so it is worth while to know a little bit about each. Bellow is a basic overview of each of the 7 main regions.
To make it as easy as possible for job seekers we have created application links for each of these regions. By applying to a specific geographic region you can let recruitment agencies know that you are interested job in a specific region of China. We have also provided a link to apply for jobs anywhere in China. You can use this option to let recruitment agencies, schools, and training centres know that you are open to all sorts of oppritunities.
North China (华北) Huabei
- Beijing (北京)
- Tianjin (天津)
- Hebei (河北)
- Shanxi (山西)
- Inner Mongolia (内蒙古)
Population: 137,250,000 (10.2% of China’s total)
Area: 1,556,828 square kilometres (16.2% of China’s total)
Northeast China (东北) Dongbei
- Liaoning (辽宁)
- Jilin (吉林)
- Heilongjiang (黑龙江)
Population: 109,100,000 (8.1%)
Area: 790,600 square kilometres (8.2%)
Northwest China (西北) Xibei
- Shaanxi (陕西)
- Gansu (甘肃)
- Qinghai (青海)
- Ningxia (宁夏)
- Xinjiang (新疆)
Population: 100,890,000 (7.5%)
Area: 3,113,100 square kilometres (32.1%)
East China (华东) Huadong
- Shanghai (上海)
- Jiangsu (江苏)
- Zhejiang (浙江)
- Anhui (安徽)
- Fujian (福建)
- Jiangxi (江西)
- Shandong (山东)
Population: 406,180,000 (30.1%)
Area: 798,741 square kilometres (8.3%)
Special Note: In circumstances where Taiwan (台湾) is included, it is usually considered to be a province within this region.
Central China (华中) Huazhong
- Henan (河南)
- Hubei (湖北)
- Hunan (湖南)
Population: 222,390,000 (16.5%)
Area: 564,700 square kilometres (5.9%)
South China (华南) Huanan
- Guangdong (广东)
- Guangxi (广西)
- Hainan (海南)
- Hong Kong (香港)
- Macau (澳门)
Population: 175,153,500 (13.0%)
Area: 453,790 square kilometres (4.7%)
Special Note: Hong Kong (香港) and Macau (澳门) are not included when referring to “Mainland China”
Southwest China (西南) Xinan
- Chongqing (重庆)
- Sichuan (四川)
- Guizhou (贵州)
- Yunnan (云南)
- Tibet (西藏)
Population: 199,670,000 (14.8%)
Area: 2,367,200 square kilometres (24.6%)
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This is a free service for job seekers. By uploading your documents you agree and understand that any document that is uploaded will be shared and made accessible to the various Chinese recruitment agencies which have registered with Sino-Exchange.
Legal Disclaimer: Sino-Exchange bares no responsibility for any damages that a job seeker may suffer as a result of using our “Job Connect” services. By using this service you acknowledge that you give consent Sino-Exchange to share your information with recruitment agencies that have registered with us; furthermore, all follow up services will constitute an agreement between the job seeker and the recruitment agency. It is the sole responsibility of the job seeker to familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions of any recruitment agency that they enter an agreement with prior to signing any contracts.