Post Flight Report 飞行后报告

In this lesson you will collect and analyze qualitative data pertaining to how your glider flew after you made changes to the original design. Based on this data you will then need to determine if your plane flew better or worse, and why. It is also important to remember that disproving your hypothesis is perfectly valid. Never change your original predictions or data because you want your experiment to support your hypothesis.


Review & Summary 回顾与总结:

  1. Describe how your original airplane flew before you made changes to the design.
  2. Describe what changes you made to your airplane to address the problems described in “Question 1”.
  3. Describe how you airplane flew after you made changes to the design of your airplane.
  4. How were your test flights similar, or how were they dissimilar?
  5. Did your new airplane design fly better or worse than the original airplane design?

CER Statement CER声明:

Claim 声明:

Did your re-designed airplane fly better or worse than the original airplane design? Please see your answer to “question 5”.


Evidence 证据:

State the relevant evidence / observations from your test flights (i.e. the observations from both original design and redesigned airplane test flights) that would support your claim.


Reasoning 推理:

State how the evidence supports your claim. Don’t just simply restate your evidence but explain why / how it supports your claim (i.e. how did the changes to the airplane design improve / impair the airplanes ability to fly).


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