Whole Plane Isometric Drawing 建议滑翔机等距图

Due to the large size of your airplane, and the small size of the provided design template, you are required to draw only the isometric view of your glider on this design template. 


Please note that your original design schematics were provided at a scale of 1:20; However, your “isometric drawing” will be at a scale of 1:80 (if the design of your glider is equal to or below the standard dimensions) or a scale of 1:100 (if the design of your glider exceeds the standard dimension). This means that your drawing will be 4x or 5X smaller than your simple glider model.  Your drawing will use almost most of the workspace on your design template so you must plan your drawing carefully.


Please make sure that you are referring back to your model glider frequently while you are completing your “isometric drawing”. You should be taking measurements from your glider often while you are completing this drawing. However, you need to remember the reduced scale of your drawing. For example, if you are working at a scale of 1:100m then every 5cm on your glider model will be equal to only 1cm on the design template.   


Please only use pencil when drawing your diagram and draw all of the lines lightly at first. You can erase any lines that are not needed. Once you have finished your “isometric drawing” you can trace over the lines to make them darker. 


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