Glider Design Logs 滑翔机设计日志

You are required to keep a brief “design log” of your progress. “Design logs” are common practice in industry and are is required to keep on for engineer who is working on big design projects. “Design logs” for large companies like Apple, Boeing, Ford, NASA etc. are very complex and are incredibly detailed; however, for our assignment we maintain a relatively simple “design log” to track our progress each day. Every group member is required to maintain their own “design log” and will receive an individual grade that is separate from the group grade for their assignment.  Each day you should record the following information in you “design log”: 


  1. What part of the plane was your group working on that day?
  2. Was your group on schedule or is your group starting to fall behind schedule? 
    • If your group is falling behind schedule you should indicate why, and then indicate what you can do to get caught up.
  3. What were your contributions to the group that day? What did you do each day?
  4. Describe how the group did each day. Did the group work well together?
    • Did one person do most of the work? If so who was it?
    • Did one person not contribute much? If so who was it?
    • Is there a reason why some people did more work than others? (i.e. one group member may not be particularly good at something so they have agreed to take on more responsibilities latter on.)
  5. Did your group encounter any problems? Was there anyone found very difficult? How did your group overcome this obstacle?

Personal reflection 个人反思

Describe what you learnt from the whole process of designing, building, and testing your own airplane? Did you think you could design and build your own airplane when you first started this assignment? What about now? What have you learnt about designing, building and testing something that you could transfer to other projects? (i.e. what transferable skills have you developed while completing this assignment). Provide at least one example of how you could apply what you have learnt during this project to something new. It could be a project that you have already done, are currently doing, or want to attempt at some point in the future.


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