Industrial Design Problems 工业设计问题

In this project you will be randomly assigned a set of 2 design challenges that will require you to analyze a given drawing, recreate it, and then create accurate orthographic views of that object (Top, Front, & Side views). You should also ensure that all of your diagrams are properly aligned and include all relevant measurements.

在这个项目中,随机分配一组 2 个设计挑战,分析所给绘图,重新绘制并创建正射图即三视图(顶部、前面和侧面视图)。确保所有图表正确对齐,并包括所有相关的测量。

Student Samples 学生作品

NOTE: It is recommended that teachers print these worksheets as double sided handouts and then give each student 1 sheet to complete. Although some designs are a little bit more complex than others, the overall complexity of a set of 2 will be approximate the same. More challenging designs can be found in the “industrial design challenge set 2”.


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Please refer to the “Industrial Design Challenges Set 2” from he “Technological Design” course if you need more challenging design problems for your students.
