English Literacy Development

Course Authors: Scott Campbell, Hu LanDate Last Modified: October 7th 2021
Languages: Translation in progressCourse Under Development

The English Literacy Development (ELD) course has been specifically designed for students in grade 10 who have completed their compulsory K-9 education program and are now transitioning into either a bilingual or international education program. This can be a particularly difficult transition for students as some students have developed a strong working knowledge of English while others may still have limited fluency; however, without proper support students can easily fall behind during this difficult transition period. As a teacher it can be difficult to find material that are appropriate for this age group as many materials that are designed for grade 10 students are typically far above the average lexicon of an EAL student, and more accessible reading material are often far too juvenile. That is why the ELD course has been specifically designed to help students navigate this difficult transition period with materials that are both accessible yet intellectually stimulating for these students. 


English can be a particularly challenging language with many special situation that can make the language particular difficult to learn. For instance there are words the are spelt the same but are produced differently, words that are spelt differently but produced the same, and words that are spelt and pronounced the same but mean completely different things. These exceptionalities often confuse EAL students are are often left unexplained. This can shatter a students confidence in themselves and can be detrimental to their continued growth. Therefore, the ELD curriculum has been designed to explore these nuances and develop the student’s confidence in themselves as they approach English in ways that are age both age appropriate yet supportive.


Unit 1 has been designed to explore some of the nuances that makes English difficult, particularly for EAL students. Theses introductory lessons allow students to compare and contrast languages that they may are lady be familiar with in comparison to English. Explore exceptionalness in the English language that can make it difficult to learn, and introduce strategies that will help them to overcome these unique challenges.


Unit 2 moves away from syntax, grammar, and vocabulary and begins to explore social issues in context. Students will watch documentaries, and read short news paper articles that related to societal issues that are relevant to them as individuals in societies. This unit of study will also introduce students to a number of learning strategies that will help them master English. These include: note taking, reading for detail, short essay writing, and comparative analysis.


Unit 3 begins to transition students towards longer reads and begins to explore aspects of English literature. Referring to classic literature for inspiration, we have rewritten a number of classic text to be more accessible to the EAL learner. These revised texts are both shorter and target a lower lexicon so they are more accessible. With these materials students can start analyzing the text, identify the protagonist, antagonist, and central conflict while also developing their own opinions about the story. These skills sets will help prepare students for the transition into grade level English for Academic Purposes (EAP), and English Literature Arts (ELA) courses.
