TOFEL Dictionary Part 1 (1~250)

Learning new vocabulary words is important when preparing for a standardized test; however, it is important to make sure that you learn how to use these new vocabulary words in context. The biggest mistake students make is memorizing word lists without developing an understanding of how to use the words in an appropriate context.


In this activity you will focus on developing a deeper understanding of the most commonly used words that you will encounter while taking a standardized English exam. Words that appear more often are higher on the list, while more words that are more obscure or difficult will appear closer to the end. For this proxy you will not just focus on memorizing the spelling and translations of words. Instead you will need to complete a variety of tasks that will help you develop a deeper understanding of the English Language. These tasks include: using IPA to learn how to produce each word properly, find an accurate translation for each word, and improve your writings skills by using the word properly in a sentence.


It is not recommended to complete this activity from start to finish in one prolonged study session. Instead you should work your way through this workbook over an extended period of time. A reasonable expectation is to complete new 5 words every day, and at the end of each week you should review the 25 new words that you learnt that week with a spelling and grammar test.


TOEFL Exam 1000 Most Common Words 托福考试最常见1000词

Rank Word IPA中文Definition or Sample Usage
Rank Word IPA中文Definition or Sample Usage
1the /ðiː/指已提及或已知的人或事物。
2of /ɒv/…的The crew of the aircraft have left.
3to /tʊ/To travel from place to place.
4and /ænd/Ham and eggs
6in /ɪn/在…里I live in a city inChina.
7is /ɪz/[表明属性] He is nice.
8it /ɪt/What is it?
9you /jʊ/How are you?
10that /ðæt/那(个)Not that one!
11he /hiː/He is handsome.
12was /wɒz/[表明状态] She wasa nice girl.
13for /fə/给/为 /供These flowers are for you.
14on /ɒn/在…上It’s on page 5.
15are /ə/[表明属性] They arevery nice.
16with /wɪð/和…一起I’ll be with you in a soon.
17as /æz/She got a job as a manager.
18/aɪ/I am studying.
19his /hɪz/他的 That is his book.
20they /ðeɪ/他们They won’t be there.
21be /biː/[表明属性] He’ll be a big boy by now.
22at /æt/They are at school.
23one /wʌn/Can I have one?
24have /hæv/Do you have a pen?
25this /ðɪs/这(个)I want this dress.
26from /frɒm/
27or /ɔː/
28had /hæd/
29by /baɪ/
30hot /hɒt/
31word /wɜːd/
32but /bʌt/
33what /wɒt/
34some /sʌm/
35we /wiː/
36can /kæn/
37out /aʊt/
38other /ˈʌðə/
39were /wɜː/
40all /ɔːl/
41there /ðeə/
42when /wen/
43up /ʌp/
44use /juːs/
45your /jə/
46how /haʊ/
47said /sed/
48an /ən/
49each /iːtʃ/
50she /ʃiː/
51which /wɪtʃ/
52do /duː/
53their /ðeə/
54time /taɪm/
55if /ɪf/
56will /wɪl/
57way /weɪ/
58about /əˈbaʊt/
59many /ˈmenɪ/
60then /ðen/
61them /ðəm/
62write /raɪt/
63would /wʊd/
64like /laɪk/
65so /səʊ/
66these /ðiːz/
67her /hɜː/
68long /lɒŋ/
69make /meɪk/
70thing /θɪŋ/
71see /siː/
72him /hɪm/
73two /tuː/
74has /hæz/
75look /lʊk/
76more /mɔː/
77day /deɪ/
78could /kʊd/
79go /ɡəʊ/
80come /kʌm/
81did /dɪd/
82number /ˈnʌmbə/
83sound /saʊnd/
84no /nəʊ/
85most /məʊst/
86people /ˈpiːpl/
87my /maɪ/
88over /ˈəʊvə/
89know /nəʊ/
90water /ˈwɔːtə/
91than /ðæn/
92call /kɔːl/
93first /fɜːst/
94who /huː/
95may /meɪ/
96down /daʊn/
97side /saɪd/
98been /biːn/
99now /naʊ/
100find /faɪnd/
101any /ˈenɪ/
102new /njuː/
103work /wɜːk/
104part /pɑːt/
105take /teɪk/
106get /ɡet/
107place /pleɪs/
108made /meɪd/
109live /lɪv/
110where /weə/
111after /ˈɑːftə/
112back /bæk/
113little /ˈlɪtl/
114only /ˈəʊnlɪ/
115round /raʊnd/
116man /mæn/
117year /jɪə/
118came /keɪm/
119show /ʃəʊ/
120every /ˈevrɪ/
121good /ɡʊd/
122me /miː/
123give /ɡɪv/
124our /ˈaʊə/
125under /ˈʌndə/
126name /neɪm/
127very /ˈverɪ/
128through /θruː/
129just /dʒʌst/
130form /fɔːm/
131sentence /ˈsentəns/
132great /ɡreɪt/
133think /θɪŋk/
134say /seɪ/
135help /help/
136low /ləʊ/
137line /laɪn/
138differ /ˈdɪfə/
139turn /tɜːn/
140cause /kɔːz/
141much /mʌtʃ/
142mean /miːn/
143before /bɪˈfɔː/
144move /muːv/
145right /raɪt/
146boy /bɔɪ/
147old /əʊld/
148too /tuː/
149same /seɪm/
150tell /tel/
151does /dʌz/
152set /set/
153three /θriː/
154want /wɒnt/
155air /eə/
156well /wel/
157also /ˈɔːlsəʊ/
158play /pleɪ/
159small /smɔːl/
160end /end/
161put /pʊt/
162home /həʊm/
163read /riːd/
164hand /hænd/
165port /pɔːt/
166large /lɑːdʒ/
167spell /spel/
168add /æd/
169even /ˈiːvən/
170land /lænd/
171here /hɪə/
172must /mʌst/
173big /bɪɡ/
174high /haɪ/
175such /sʌtʃ/
176follow /ˈfɒləʊ/
177act /ækt/
178why /waɪ/
179ask /ɑːsk/
180men /men/
181change /tʃeɪndʒ/
182went /went/
183light /laɪt/
184kind /kaɪnd/
185off /ɒf/
186need /niːd/
187house /haʊs/
188picture /ˈpɪktʃə/
189try /traɪ/
190us /ʌs/
191again /əˈɡen/
192animal /ˈænɪməl/
193point /pɔɪnt/
194mother /ˈmʌðə/
195world /wɜːld/
196near /nɪə/
197build /bɪld/
198self /self/
199earth /ɜːθ/
200father /ˈfɑːðə/
201head /hed/
202stand /stænd/
203own /əʊn/
204page /peɪdʒ/
205should /ʃʊd/
206country /ˈkʌntrɪ/
207found /faʊnd/
208answer /ˈɑːnsə/
209school /skuːl/
210grow /ɡrəʊ/
211study /ˈstʌdɪ/
212still /stɪl/
213learn /lɜːn/
214plant /plɑːnt/
215cover /ˈkʌvə/
216food /fuːd/
217sun /sʌn/
218four /fɔː/
219between /bɪˈtwiːn/
220state /steɪt/
221keep /kiːp/
222eye /aɪ/
223never /ˈnevə/
224last /lɑːst/
225let /let/
226thought /θɔːt/
227city /ˈsɪtɪ/
228tree /triː/
229cross /krɒs/
230farm /fɑːm/
231hard /hɑːd/
232start /stɑːt/
233might /maɪt/
234story /ˈstɔːrɪ/
235saw /sɔː/
236far /fɑː/
237sea /siː/
238draw /drɔː/
239left /left/
240late /leɪt/
241run /rʌn/
242don’t /dəʊnt/
243while /waɪl/
244press /pres/
245close /kləʊs/
246night /naɪt/
247real /rɪəl/
248life /laɪf/
249few /fjuː/

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