English is an Exceptional Language 英语是一种特殊的语言
Overview 概述
English is a truly exceptional Language. But what does that actually mean? The word ‘exceptional’ means unusual or not typical, so what is unique or unusual about English? Think about all of the difficult word types in English that you have been learning about so far. Some words are spelt completely differently but are pronunciation the same way while other words are spelt the same but are pronounced very differently from one another. These are just a few examples of things that make English a truly unique language.
Instructions 简介
For this project you will be required to write a 300 word essay that illustrates why ‘English is an Exceptional Language’. Your essay should also talk about the importance of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) as well. Think about how IPA is related to, and how it is important for students when learning about these exceptional word types in English. Your written response should be based on what you have learnt this semester and must include evidence from the course lectures and readings. Keep in mind that it is important to support you arguments but make sure that you do not copy information directly from your course notes.
Requirements 要求
You will write two separate drafts for this project. Your rough draft will be written by hand and your final essay will be typed on the computer. You final project submission must include your: rough draft, final draft, and a “Project Declaration Form”.
你需要写一篇草稿和一篇终稿。先写草稿,进行编辑和修改,再完成终稿。草稿和终稿都需要上交。 同时确保文章使用MLA标准(详见下页)。
Word Limit 字数要求
200 words minimum – 400 words maximum
最少200字 ≈- 最多400字
Basic MLA Instructions MLA简介
Your final essay will be typed on the computer using the MLA format. This will include: writing your full name at the top of the paper, your teachers name second, the class that this project is for third, and the date forth. Then think of a meaningful title for your essay. Your title should also be centred on the page. After the title you will write the main body of your essay. Your essay should include an introduction, a body paragraph, and a closing paragraph or statement. Make sure that your document uses a 12pt. font size and either “Times New Roman” or “Arial”. Your essay should also be double spaced. Look at the MLA project example below:
MLA Project Example MLA例子