Introduction to Heterographs 简介同音异形异

English has many exceptions to it’s own rules on how to pronounce words, and this can make learning English very difficult, even for native speakers. In today’s lesson we will review “Heterographs”which is just one type of exceptional case that makes learning English difficult.  A Heterograph is a word that has a different meaning and different spelling from another word but has the exact same pronunciation. An example is of a Heterograph is “Air (空气)” and “Heir (继承人)”. Both of these words have very different meanings and are spelt very different from one another; however, both of these words are produced the exact same way.

根据一些规则,英语中有许多例外。比如说,如何正确发音,即便对于母语是英语的人来说,英语学习也变得非常困难。在今天的课上,我们将介绍同音异形异。同音字是指发音相同,但是含义和拼写却不一样的2个或者2个以上的单词。举个例子,空气(air)” 继承人(heir)”。这两个词的含义和拼写完全不同,但它们产生的发音相同。 

1. Air and Heir 空气和继乘人

The airquality is good today.

The prince is the heir to the throne.

2. Aisle and Isle 走道和小岛

My father walked my sister down the aisle on her wedding day.

I do not want to be stranded on a desert isle.

Instructions 说明

In this lesson you will use your dictionary to look up the meaning for the 50 most commonly used English Heterographs. Once you know the meaning of each word  you will then write sentences for your 20 favourite Heterographs demonstrating how to use each word correctly. You can work by yourself or in a group for this activity.


  Common English Heterographs 常见英语同音异形异

/eə/Air 空气Heir 继乘人
/aɪl/Aisle 走道Isle 小岛
/beə/Bare Bear 
/biː/Be Bee 
/breɪk/Brake Break 
/baɪ/Buy By 
/sel/Cell Sell 
/sent/Cent Scent 
/ˈsɪərɪəl/Cereal Serial 
/kɔːs/Coarse Course 
/ˈkɒmplɪmənt/Complement Compliment 
/dæm/Dam Damn 
/dɪə/Dear Deer 
/daɪ/Die Dye 
/feə/Fair Fare 
/fɜː/Fir Fur 
/ˈflaʊə/Flour Flower 
/fə/For Four 
/heə/Hair Hare 
/hɪə/Hear Here 
/hɪm/Him Hymn 
/həʊl/Hole Whole 
/ˈaʊə/Hour Our 
/ˈaɪdl/Idle Idol 
/ɪn/In Inn 
/naɪt/Knight Night 
/nɒt/Knot Not 
/nəʊ/Know No 
/meɪd/Made Maid 
/meɪl/Mail Male 
/miːt/Meat Meet 
/ˈmɔːnɪŋ/Morning Mourning 
/nʌn/None Nun 
/ɔː/Oar Or 
/wʌn/One Won 
/peə/Pair Pear 
/piːs/Peace Piece 
/pleɪn/Plain Plane 
/pʊə/Poor Pour 
/preɪ/Pray Prey 
/ˈprɪnsəpəl/Principal Principle 
/ˈprɒfɪt/Profit Prophet 
/rɪəl/Real Reel 
/raɪt/Right Write 
/ruːt/Root Route 
/seɪl/Sail Sale 
/siː/Sea See 
/siːm/Seam Seem 
/səʊ/Sew So 

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