Experiential Learning Session Part 2: Using STEM to facilitate the Scientific Method 《体验式学习课程第 2 部分:使用STEM促进科学方法》
Part A) Developing Lab Procedures 《A部分)开发实验室程序》
In this activity each group will be introduced to the “Scientific Method”. They will work on converting their initial observations from the previous learning module into a formal hypothesis. Furthermore, each group will explore the differences between “qualitative” and “qualitative data” sets as they develop formalized lab procedures to ensure that their group has clear guidelines for conducting their own controlled experiment. To do this each group will need to be very clear as to what the “controlled”, “dependent” and “independent” variables are in their experiment. With a formalized hypothesis, list of materials, and lab procedures established, each group will be ready to advance to the next stage of the experiment where they will collect data through the real-world testing of their “mini jet”.
Event Photos 《活动照片》
Part B) Data Collection Methods 《B部分)数据收集方法》
In this learning module, each group will test their “mini jets” in a controlled lab space. Using lab equipment that is appropriate for this type of experiment, our participants will record values for “displacement” and “standard flight deviation.” They will then use mathematical concepts to calculate “the total distance flown” and the “speed” that the aircraft flew. To ensure each group has the most accurate results possible, each “mini-jet” will be tested multiple times, and the “minimum”, “maximum”, and “average” values will be determined, reviewed, and evaluated.