Experiential Learning Session Part 3: STEM Learning Session Debrief 《体验式学习课程第 3 部分:STEM学习会议汇报》
Part A) Data Sharing & Analytics 《A部分)数据共享和分析》
Now that each group will have completed their experiment, and will have collected extensive flight data, and used that data to perform relevant calculations, the entire group will be ready to share and collate their results. During this time, each group will share their summarized data (i.e., minimum, maximum, and average results for displacement, deviation, distance, and speed) with the entire class. Each group will then review the performance of each group “mini jet” and will compare that data against the how their own model plane performed. They will then use those findings to determine if their hypothesis was proven, or disproven based on the available data.
Part B) Evaluation of Learning Outcomes 《B部分)学习成果评估》
In this final activity, each group will need to take their original lab notes and begin the process of formalizing their findings in a lab report. Using the APA formatting standard (NOTE: APA is the most commonly used formatting style in that is used the sciences, whereas the MLA formatting standard is more commonly used in the humanities), each group will learn how to properly format a lab report using the computer. This will include standardized formatting regulations and inserting graphs, charts, and pictures where appropriate. Furthermore, the conclusion and the abstract will need to be written to wrap things up and bring the scientific study full-circle.
Part C) Cost Benefit Analysis 《C部分)成本效益分析》
In this final learning module, our participants will evaluate the entire experiential learning series for themselves. To do this, they will perform their own “cost-benefit analysis” while also evaluating the “learning outcomes” that were targeted, facilitated during learning, and achieved by the learner.