Orthographic Diagrams 正射图 (三视图)


Orthographic Diagrams 正射图(三视图)

Orthographic drawing show schematic details of an object. Typically Orthographic Drawing are done in CAD software (Computer Aided Design Software). Every machined product was first designed as an Orthographic drawing in a CAD program before it was manufactured. Every toy, car part, even the pen you use in class was all designed in a CAD program before a machine made each product you use everyday.


Orthographic Drawings show 3 views Top, Front, and Side views. An optional 3D diagram may also be included that shows the scale, angles and shape of the object. This is called an Isometric Drawing. Any visible detail is shown with a solid line. Details that are not visible in a particular view are shown with a dashed line. These lines are called “Construction Lines”. Measurements can be included on a Orthographic drawings but are not a required.

正射图有3种视图:俯视图,正视图和侧视图。也可以把3D图囊括进来,通过3D图可以查看该物体的规模、角度和形状,这叫等距图。用实线来表示可以看得见的部分,用虚线来表示看不见的部分。这些线叫做 “构造线” 。在正射图中也可以把测量数据显示出来,但不是必须的。

Orthographic Diagram Vocabulary 正射图词汇

3 View Diagram三视图
Dashed Construction Line虚线
Orthographic Diagram正射图
Front View正(主)视图
Reference Line参照线
Side View侧视图
Solid Construction Line实线
Top View俯视图

Use “Reference Lines” to help recreate this simple Orthographic Drawing.
使用“参照线” 创建简易的正射图。


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