A Spreadsheet For A Cell Phone Bill | 手机花费电子数据表

Companies will often receive very large and complicated bills for services such as employee cell phones. The accounting department will often have to sort through large bills that may be several hundred pages long.  They will make sure that all the charges are correct and make summarized reports for the companies administration.

For this project you will create a spreadsheet to summarize the cellphone bills for 10 employees who work for the school. You will determine how much each user spends from talking on their phones, sending text messages, and their total expenses.

For this project we will use the following cost for phone services.

¥0.80 for 1 minute spent talking on the phone.

¥0.30 for every message sent  or received.

You will make up names for 10 school employees. Then make up values for how many minutes each person uses their phone while talking, and how many messages they sent.

You will use formulas to calculate the total values. Your final project should look similar to the example at the bottom of page 2. Look at where information is located.
使用公式来计算总费用。 最终的项目应类似于第2页的例子。查找信息所在的位置。

Important Note | 重要笔记1:

Columns are vertical (up and down) and are labeled A-J.
纵栏(从上到下),并标记为 A-J。

Rows are horizontal (left to right) and are labeled 1-24.

Simple Formulas | 简单的公式

Addition加法=SUM(CELL + CELL)
Subtraction减法=SUM(CELL – CELL)
Addition (List of Numbers)加法(数列)=SUM(First CELL : Last CELL)
Multiplication乘法=(CELL * Cell)
Division除法=(CELL / CELL)
Average平均数=AVERAGE(First CELL : Last CELL)

Project Example: 项目样例

  1. Type all of the provided information in the correct “cells”. Use Both English and Chinese
  1. Make up names, total number of minutes, and total number of text messages used.
  1. Use a multiplication formula to calculate the total cost for each user for the following

– Column D total each user spent talking on phone (multiply B and C)
– D栏是每个用户的通话费(B * C)

– Column G total each user spent sending text messages. (multiply E and F)
– G栏是每个用户的短信费(E * F)

  1. Calculate the total user bill using an addition formula in column H (add D and G)
    使用加法运算公式计算每一用户的总话费并记在H栏。(D + G)
  1. In Row 15 use an addition formula to calculate the total cost for all to users.

– (Column D, Row 5-14), (Column G, Row 5-14), (Column H, Row 5-14)
-(D栏 , 从第5行-第14行)(G栏 , 从第5行-第14行)( H栏 , 从第5行-第14行)

  1. Create a large Final total at the bottom of the document.

7. Formate your project to look similar to the example. You may use different colors.

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