Simple Budget 简单预算

“Budgets” are an important part of accounting. Various departments in an organization will be given money to spend for supplies and materials that are needed. This is called a “Budget”. It is very important not to spend more money than what is available in your “Budget” though. Money that is not spent is called a “Surplus”. A “Deficit” is when more money is spent than is available.


In this project you will create a spreadsheet for supplies needed for an office. All the Items, Quantities and Cost have already been determined. You will use the correct formulas to calculate all the necessary information to see if the proposed budget will result in a “Surplus” or “Deficit”.


In this project you will be required to use the values of several simple formulas to create more complicated totals. This can be done two different ways:


  1. Creating complex formulas
  1. Referencing the total of another formula in your new formula

Simple Formulas 简单公式

Addition加法=SUM(CELL + CELL)
Subtraction减法=SUM(CELL – CELL)
Addition (List of Numbers)加法(数列)=SUM(First CELL : Last CELL)
Multiplication乘法=(CELL * Cell)
Division除法=(CELL / CELL)
Average平均数=AVERAGE(First CELL : Last CELL)

New in this Project 此项目新的公式

Count计数=COUNT (First CELL : Last CELL)

When finished your project will have 1 Spreadsheet with 3 separate Tables in it.

Table 1 Instructions
表1 说明

Row 1: Merge Cells B-E and type the Title

Row 2: Column B, C, D, and E type the headings provided in the example

Row 3-9: Column A, B, and C, enter the provided Supplies, Quantities and Costs
第3-9行:在A、B、C栏中输入 Supplies, Quantities和Costs

Row 1-10Column A-F: Format like the example

Row 3-9, Column E: Use a multiplication formula to find the total expense for each item

Row 11: Leave blank

Table 2 Instructions
表2 说明

Row 12: Merge Cells C and D and type the provided Title for the second Table

Row 12-18, Column B-E: Format like the example, enter any provided information

Cell D14: Use an Addition formula to total the cost of all items being purchased 

Cell D15: Use a Subtraction formula to subtract the Total cost from the Budget

Cell D17: Use a formula to find the Average Cost of the items being purchased

Table 3 Instructions
表3 说明

Row 20-23, Column B-F: format like the example and enter all provided information

Cell D21: Use the Addition formula for multiple items to calculate how many items are being purchased.

Cell D22: Determine how many different types of items are being purchased. Try using the formula for counting the different types of items are in the list. This is different than the addition formula that counts the total of all items in a list. Count Formula =COUNT(‘C3’:’C9’)
单元格D22:显示所购买物品的种类数量。试着运用计数公式来计算总共订购了多少类物品。这跟运用加法公式计算订购多少物品时不一样的。计数公式: =COUNT(‘C3’:’C9’)

  1. How much money will be spent?
  2. Does this Budget have a Surplus or Deficit, and how much is it?
  3. What is the average cost of the items purchased?
  4. Once everything is ordered, how many items will be in the delivery?

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