Introduction to Spreadsheet Software | 软件简介

Data management is an important skill for school, business and life. There are many programs that allow you to manage data easily for all major operating systems and mobile devices. Microsoft Excel is one of the most commonly used programs on Windows, where Numbers is more common on the Mac operating system. Both Excel and Numbers are programs that you are required to purchase. Open Office is a free alternative available for Mac and Windows operating systems, as well as other operating systems such as Linux and Unix.

数据管理在学校、商业和生活中是非常重要的技能。有许多程序可以用来为大型操作系统和移动装置进行数据管理。 Microsoft Excel是Windows系统中最常用的系统之一,而在Mac系统中Numbers在Mac系统中用的却比较多。Excel和Numbers软件都是需要花钱购买的。 Open Office是一种免费软件,可在Mac和Windows系统中使用,也可以在 Linux中Unix系统中使用。

Open Office is called “shareware”, which is a program that is developed by a community of developers and is made available to anyone for free. Shareware is made available through the generosity of a community of programers and developers who feel that everyone should have access to software with out limitations. The “shareware” is developed and improved solely based on the community of its users.

Open Office被称为“共享软件”,是有一组开发者研制出来并且可供免费使用。共享软件的开发者和编程者非常慷慨,认为每个人都有权限使用软件。使用者可以不断地改进“共享软件”。

Regardless of the program that you use, the concepts behind data management are the same. When learning new skills, it is important to learn the skills which are transferrable, and not the specific techniques specific to any one software program.


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External Links

Learn more about Microsoft Excel.

Learn more about Numbers.

Learn more about Open Office.