Grid Systems 网格系统

Every map or globe uses a grid system so that various locations can be located easily. A simple grid is made of vertical and horizontal lines. Look at the Grid system below. There are vertical columns and horizontal rows. The location “C3” is in the middle of the grid. It is in Column “C” row “3”

所有的地图和地球仪都使用网格系统以更容易定位。一个简易的网格是由水平线和垂直线组成的。请看下例,由横栏和纵列组成, “C3”位于整个网状正中间,位置是 “C” 栏第 “3” 列。

 A grid system on a map is very similar to the example just above. Imaginary lines divide  the globe into a grid. These lines are called lines of Latitude, and lines of Longitude.



A spherical representation of the earth with a map printed on the surface.


A two-dimensional representation of the positions of land masses and oceans.

Latitude: Horizontal lines on a globe or map that measure how far North or South a location is. The equator (0º) is located horizontally along the middle of a globe. Measurements are made in either direction towards the North Pole (90º N) or towards the South Pole (90º S). 
纬线:地球仪上或地图上用来测量向北或向南位置的水平线。赤道线位于中部,纬线是向北极 (90º N) 或向南极 (90º S) 依次延伸。

Parallel: A synonym for Latitude.

Equator: The Equator is located at 0º latitude.
赤道:位于 0º纬线

Longitude: Vertical Lines on a globe that measure how far East or West a location is. The Prime Meridian (0º) is a vertically line of Longitude that passes through England. The International Date Line (180º) is on the opposite side of the world and is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
经线:地球仪上连接南北两极并同纬线垂直相交的线,也称子午线。本初子午线(0º)是穿过英国的一条垂直经线。国际日期变更线 (180º)位于地球的另一端,横穿太平洋中部。

Meridian: A synonym for Longitude

Prime Meridian: The Meridian that passes through Greenwich, England. The Prime Meridian is the chosen location to indicate (0º), all other Meridians are measured East or West of the Prime Meridian.
本初子午线:穿过英国格林尼治的子午线。本初子午线为 0º,其他子午线沿着本初子午线向东或向西依次延伸。

International Date Line: A Meridian that is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

There are several very important lines of Longitude and lines of Latitude that are indicated on every world map.

Important lines of Latitude (Parallels)重要的纬线(平行线) 
The North Pole, Located at 90º North – 北极,位于北纬 90º
Arctic Circle, located at 66.5º North – 北极圈,位于北纬 66.5º
Tropic of Cancer, Located at 23.5º North – 北回归线,位于北纬 23.5º
Equator, Located at 0º – 赤道,位于 0º
Tropic of Capricorn, located at 23.5º South – 南回归线,位于南纬 23.5º
Antarctic Circle, located ate 66.5º South – 南极圈,位于南纬 66.5º
The South Pole, Located at 90º South – 南极,位于南纬 90º
Important Lines of Longitude (Meridian) 重要的经线(子午线)
Prime Meridian, Located at 0º – 本初子午线, 位于0º
International Dateline, located at 180º – 国际日期变更线, 位于180º

Vocabulary 词汇

English 英文IPA 国际音标Pinyin 拼音Chinese 中文
Antarctic Circle/æntˈɑːktɪk ˈsɜːkl/nán jí quān南极圈
Arctic Circle/ˈɑːktɪk ˈsɜːkl/běi jí quān北极圈 
Equator/ɪˈkweɪtə/chì dào赤道
Globe/ˈgləʊb/dì qiú yí地球仪
International Date Line/ˌɪntəˈnæʃənl deɪt laɪn/guó jì rì qī biàn gēng xiàn国际日期变更线
Latitude/ˈlætɪtjuːd/wěi xiàn纬线
Longitude/ˈlɒndʒɪtjuːd/jīng xiàn经线
Map/mæp/dì tú地图
North Pole/nɔːθ pəʊl/běi jí北极 
Meridian/məˈrɪdɪən/zǐ wǔ xiàn子午线
Parallel/ˈpærəlel/píng xíng xiàn平行线
Prime Meridian/praɪm məˈrɪdɪən/běn chū zǐ wǔ xiàn本初子午线
South Pole/saʊθ pəʊl/nán jí南极
Tropic of Capricorn/ˈtrɒpɪk ɒv ˈkæprɪkɔːn/nán huí guī xiàn南回归线 
Tropic of Cancer/ˈtrɒpɪk ɒv ˈkænsə/běi huí guī xiàn北回归线

Map of the Americas 美洲地图


Answer the following questions in English. Use complete sentences. Look at the example question and how many of the words used in the question are also used to write the answer.

What latitude is the Equator located at?

Answer: The Equator is at latitude.
答案:赤道的位于 0º。

  1. Is Mexico North or South of the Equator?
  2. What country is South of the Equator?
  3. Is America above or below the Equator?
  4. All of Canada is above which of the following Parallels? 40º N, 50º N, or 60º N.
    加拿大位于哪条纬线以上?北纬 40º,北纬 50º 还是 60º 北纬?
  5. Which two lines of longitude pass through Mexico?
  6. What country is located at 50º W and 10º S?
    哪个国家位于西经 50º 南纬 10º?
  7. What country is located at 100º W and 40º N?
    哪个国家位于西经100º 北纬 40º ?
  8. The majority of Great Lakes in North America are located between which two lines of longitude and which two lines of latitude?

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