Calculating Present Value 计算现值

Present value calculates how much money needs to be invested today if a specific amount of money is needed to be generated by an investment in the future. If you need an investment to be worth ¥75,000 in 5 years from now and the investment has an annual interest rate of 8% how much do you need to invest today?


Calculating “Present Value” is very useful for businesses. Businesses will need to calculate how much money they need to invest today to raise the capital they need to make large purchases in the future, such as buy another company or a new property. Young professionals might also need to calculate “Present Value” if they want to use investments to help them buy their first home, or start their own company.


Suppose you want to buy a new apartment, but the apartment complex won’t be finished for another 5 years. To help you save enough money for the downpayment you plan to invest the money for the next 5 years. You want to make a downpayment of ¥75,000. You have already chosen an investment plan with an interest rate of 8%. How much money will you need to invest today, so you will have enough for a downpayment when your apartment is finished.


To calculate Present Value we use the formula P=F/(1+r)t
使用公式  P=F/(1+r)t   来计算现值

  • P = Present Value 现值
  • F = Future Value 未来值
  • r = Interest rate of the investment 投资利率
  • t = The number of years of the investment 投资年数
¥51,043.74 needs to be invested so your investment would grow to ¥75,000 in 5 years.
所以现在你需要投资 ¥51,043.74,5年后资产将会增加到 ¥75,000。

P= ¥51,043.74

  1. Row 1: leave Blank
  2. Row 2: Merge Cells B-E, then type the title
  3. Row 3: Leave Blank
  4. Column B: Row 4-7 type the English Terms
  5. Column C: Row 4-7 type the Chinese Terms
  6. Column D: Row 4-7 type the letters which are used in the formula
  7. Row 1-8, Column A to F: Format the same as the example
  8. Row 9-10: leave Blank
  9. Row 11-15, Column D to F: format the same as the example
  10. Calculate “Present Value” using the formula P=F/(1+r)^t
    使用公式    P=F/(1+r)^t    计算“现值”

Calculating Future Value 计算未来值

Future value measures how much an investment will be worth in the future. For example, if you put ¥1,000 into the bank today, earning 6-percent interest a year, how much will you have ten years from now?


This is a problem that needs to be solved by many individuals. Finical Planers will need to determine future value to inform their clients of how much money they will make on an particular investment. Your parents may need to determine future value to calculate how much money they will have when they retire from work. Companies also use these calculations to asses the growth in their capital investments.


To solve these problems, many students use tables in textbooks or specialized calculators. You can also solve these problems by making your own calculation chart on the computer. 


To calculate Future value we use the formula F=P(1+r)t
我们使用公式 F=P(1+r)来计算未来值

  • F = Future Value 未来值
  • P = Present Value 现值
  • r = Interest rate of the investment 投资利率
  • t = The number of years of the investment  投资年数

In our example our ¥1,000 investment grew to ¥1,790.85 in 10 years. Investments are a great way to make money, if you are a trained professional, or have a trusted finical planer investing money for you. Regardless of if you are investing your own money or a professional is doing it for you, its important to evaluate the risk. 

在我们之前的例子中价值 ¥1,000的投资10年后增长为 ¥1,790.85,所以如果你是一个训练有素的专业人员或者你有一个值得新人的财务计划员为你投资的话,那么投资将是一种非常好的赢利方式。不论你是自己投资或者是有专业团队为你投资,评估风险还是非常重要的。

There are several types of investments. Secured Investments are guaranteed to increase in value over time. Low Risk investments usually have higher interest rates, but can fluctuate with the market. High Risk investments have very high interest rates, but if the company you are investing in goes bankrupt you could lose all your money.


  1. Row 1: leave Blank
  2. Row 2: Merge Cells B-E, then type the title
  3. Row 3: Leave Blank
  4. Column B: Row 4-7 type the English Terms
  5. Column C: Row 4-7 type the Chinese Terms
  6. Column D: Row 4-7 type the letters which describe the formula
  7. Row 1-8, Column A to F: Format the same as the example
  8. Row 9-10: leave Blank
  9. Row 11-15, Column D to F: format the same as the example
  10. Calculate “Future Value” using the formula F=P*(1+r)^t
    使用公式    F=P*(1+r)^t    计算“未来值”

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