Calculating Loans 计算贷款

Many people will get a loan from a bank to buy expensive items such as a house or car. People also take out loans pay for University education so they can get a better job, while others may use a loan to pay for a wedding.


Regardless of the reason you need a loan the money must be paid back to the “Lender”. Most people usually borrow money from a Bank. However the bank does not lend you the money for free, they charge “interest” on every loan.


The Bank is called the “Lender”, while the person who needs the loan is the “Borrower”. When you are given the money it is considered a “debt”. You will be given a specific amount of time which you must pay the money back, this is called a loan “term”, and is usually a period of several years. The “Borrower” will be required to make regular payments to the “Lender”.


There are two types of debt: “Good Debt” and “Bad Debt”. A good debt is considered to be debt that is acquired to purchase an asset. An example of “Good Debt” is the purchase of a house or apartment. Although the “borrower” owes a large amount of money for their home, they own an “asset” which they could sell. Most “assets” such as property or investments usually increase in value over time. “Bad Debt” is any debt that is acquired by a lender that can not be recovered. “Bad Debt” would include borrowing money for a vacation where no assets are purchased. Purchasing a car would also be considered to be   a “Bad Debt”, because the value of a new car decreases rapidly in value after it has been purchased.


When calculating loans we need to know:

  • P = Principle Amount (the amount of money that is borrowed) 本金(借的钱)
  • r = Annual Interest Rate 年利率
  • t = Term length in years 贷款年限
  • n = Number of times interested is compounded a year  年利率次数

The formula for calculating how much will be paid during the life of a loan is:

“Accumulated Total” = “Principle” X “the formula for Compound Interest”
“累计总和” = “本金” X “复利的公式”

How much does it really cost you to buy something you want with a loan? Many people  never think about how much they will pay for something after every payment has been made. In this project we are going to make a loan calculator and find out how much things really cost when you borrow money to buy them.


Before the market crashed in America many people could get approved for large loans with a low interest rate. However people were spending much more than they could afford. 


Cars are a big part of the American and a necessity for many people in their daily lives. When the market collapsed in 2006 it became much harder to get a loan, and the interest rates much higher.


Try this example: before 2006 many car loans were only 3% and amortized over 5 years. Then after 2006 interest rates went as high as 17% in America for a car loan.


  1. Row 1: leave Blank
  2. Row 2: Merge Cells B-E, then type the title
  3. Row 3: Leave Blank
  4. Column B: Row 4-8 type the English Terms
  5. Column C: Row 4-8 type the Chinese Terms
  6. Column D: Row 4-8 type the letters which describe the formula
  7. Row 1-9, Column A to F: Format the same as the example
  8. Row 10-11: leave Blank
  9. Row 12-16, Column D to F: format the same as the example
  10. Calculate the “Accumulated Total with Interest” using the formula A=P*(1+r/n)^(n*t) 
    使用公式   A=P*(1+r/n)^(n*t)   来计算“加上利息后的总金额”
    • You will need to reference the correct cells when typing this formula. Your formula will look like this example when completed.
    • 在输入该公式时要注意对入正确的单元格。 当输入完成之后将如下面例子所示。


In class assignment: Use the loan calculator you made to answer the following questions.

  1. If you were to buy the average car for $24,000 American dollars how much would you have paid with interest for the car before the market crashed in 2006?
  2. How much would you have to pay with interest if you bought it after the market crashed?

Research Activity

  1. Find an apartment complex that you like. What is its name? Where is it?
  2. 4. How big is one of the apartment models you like? and home much is it per m2 ?
  3. Find a bank that offers mortgages (loan for a home). What bank is it?
  4. What is the interest rate, and how many years is the mortgage?
  5. How much will the apartment you like cost to buy? How much interest will you pay?
  6. Write about what you have learned about borrowing money. Does it cost more than you thought to purchase a car or home if you need to borrow money? What can you do to avoid paying interest to a money lender? What can you do to prevent accruing bad debt?

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