Sales Report Vocabulary 销售报告词汇

The sales report project will introduce students to a number of real world applications that utilize data management techniques and industry standard software. In this projects students will also be introduced to a number of equations that are used to manage critical data metrics that are used by many all over the the world. However, before starting on this project it is important for students understand a number of key terms that are used in the corporate world. Therefore students should take a moment to familiarize themselves with the following vocabulary list before starting the sales report project. Each term in this list will be used extensively throughout this extended project.

Commission提成Some companies  pay their sales associates using a “commission” instead of a “salary” or fixed “wages”. If employees are paid by commission they will receive a small percentage of money from every product they sell. The more product they sell the more money they will make.一些公司付给职员的报酬用“提成”而不用“薪水”或“工资”。提成是指职员会从他们所销售每一件产品中获得的一小部分报酬。他们销售的产品越多那么他们所获得的提成就越多。
Cost(Context manufacturing)成本Every product made uses a variety of materials and processes. “Cost” is the total of all fees required to product the final product divided by the number of units made. This provides the “Cost” per unit.每一件产品都需要一系列的原材料和加工过程。“成本”指的是制成产品成品所需要的所有的费用。这里的“成本”指每一件产品所需的成本。
Gross Profit毛利润Is the total amount of profit made when selling a product. Gross Profits are what allow companies to operate and pay for expense, such as employee wages, ownership of company assets, and facility maintenance.“毛利润”指的是销售一件产品所获得的总利润。“毛利润”可以使公司继续运转和各项支出,比如职员工资,公司资产所有权以及各项设施装备。
Gross Profit Margin毛利率The percentage of profit made when selling a product or service.“毛利率”指毛利与销售收入的百分比。
Import Tax进口税A government fee added to products that are made in another country. This makes foreign products  more expensive. This provides local companies a competitive advantage over foreign imports.“进口税”指附加在产于其他国家产品的官方收费。这就使国外产品价格更高。这就给国内地方公司提供了一个具有竞争性的优势。
Net Profit净利润The total amount of money made made after all company expenses are deducted from the “Gross Profit”.“净利润”指从“毛利润”中减去所有的公司支出之后的利润。
Net profit Margin净利率The percentage of profits made after all company expenses are deducted from the “Gross Profit”“净利率”指净利润(从毛利润中减去所有支出后的利润)的百分比。
Product产品Something that is made by a company that is sold to a customer. A company that makes products is called “manufacture”. A company that buys products to sell is a “reseller” and the person who buys a product is called “customer”.“产品”指一个公司出售给顾客的东西。生产产品的公司叫做“制造商”。购买产品并再出售的公司叫做“中间商”或“转销商”。购买产品的人叫做“顾客”。
Salary薪水A fixed payment based on long term employment. Usually calculated using year long contracts. An employee that is paid by salary will make the same amount of money every pay period. Salary is a helpful way for companies that are seasonal maintain monthly expenses. “薪水”指长期工作的固定报酬,通常是按年签订的合同。获得“薪水”的职员在每一个工作的时间段所取得的报酬都是相等的。对公司来说薪水是非常有用的,可以保持每个月的花费。
Sales Price销售价格The value which a product is sold for. 指一个产品出售时的价格。
TaxA mandatory government fee that is added to products or services offered by a company to support government operated services such as municipal roads, or publicly funded schools.指政府额外强制性地附加在公司产品或服务上的费用以用来支持政府经营的服务,比如市政道路建设或公里学校。
Total总价格The final fee to be paid by a “customer” for all “products”, “services”, and “taxes”.由“顾客”支付的包括“产品”、“服务”和“税”的所有费用。
Wage工资A payment for the work an employee does per hour.指职员按小时工作所得到的报酬。

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