Basic Resistor Experiment Overview 基本电阻实验概述

In the “Simple LED Circuit” experiment a 330Ω resistor was used to protect a 3V LED light bulb from burning out when a 9V battery was used to power the circuit.

在“简单LED电路”实验中,当使用9V电池为电路供电时,则用330Ω电阻器来防止3V LED灯泡烧坏。

From this one observation we may be able to ask several questions:

  1. What is the purpose of a resistor?
  2. How does a resistor work, and how are they rated?
  3. How do you select the correct resistor value for your circuit?
  4. Why was the resistor used in a series configuration in this circuit?
  5. Is there, and what is the difference between using a resistor in an either series or parallel configuration?

Although there a many more questions that could be investigated relating to this one “Simple LED Circuit” experiment, the preceding 5 questions are the foundation of our current experiment. In particular question #5 is the basis for the development of the hypothesis for our next experiment.


Assignment Details任务明细:

You will be required to build the “Basic Resistor” experiment circuit board in class. Then for homework you will need to complete the first half of your report using the “Scientific Method” and proper formatting conventions. An outline of the project schedule is provided below:


Class Activity #1课堂活动1:

Complete the construction of the “Basic Resistor” experiment circuit board.

Homework Assignment #1家庭作业1:

You are only required to complete the following sections of your report for homework, but it must be done and submitted online before the next class.

  1. Introduction 介绍
  2. Hypothesis 假设
  3. Experiment Design 实验设计
  4. Materials and method 材料和方法

You will also need to prepare your data table so you know what information you will need to record when completing the experiment in the next class.

Class Activity #2 课堂活动2:

Complete the experiment, record your data, and share your results with a minimum of two other students.


Homework Assignment #2 家庭作业2:

Complete your report and submit it digitally before the deadline.


Note: Do not conduct any online research related to the topic. Use only the evidence from your experiment to formulate your conclusion.


Experiment Design实验设计:

This experiment will focus on determining how resistors work and will try to determine if there is any mathematical relationships that can be observed for resistors when being used in either a series or parallel circuit design.


Experiment A: Control Circuit


NOTE: Resistance is measured in Ohms
Ohm (Ω): The SI unit used for electrical resistance. See Ohm’s law. 欧姆(Ω):用于测量电阻的国际单位制单位。见欧姆定律。

Experiment B: Parallel Circuit  实验B:并联电路

This experiment is designed to determine what will happen to the resistance (being measured in Ohms) when two resistors of the same value are used in parallel to one another. 本实验旨在确定当两个相同值的电阻器并联使用时,电阻(以欧姆为单位)会发生什么变化。

Parallel circuit: A closed electrical circuit in which the current is divided into two or more paths and then returns via a common path to complete the circuit. 并联电路:一种闭合电路,其中电流分为两条或多条支路,然后通过干路返回以完成电路。

Experiment C: Series Circuit  实验C:串联电路

This experiment is designed to determine what will happen to the resistance (being measured in Ohms) when two resistors of the same value are used in series. 本实验旨在确定当串联使用两个相同值的电阻器时,电阻(以欧姆为单位)会发生什么变化。

Series circuits:An electric circuit connected so that current passes through each circuit element in turn without branching. 串联电路:使电流依次通过每个电路元件而不发生分支的电路。

 Scientific Report Exemplar 科学报告样例:

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