Savings Plan – Regular Contribution With Interest
储蓄计划 – 定期连利存款

Investments grow overtime as interest builds. Although making safe investments for your future is a good idea, making a few investments and waiting for them to grow is not enough. To plan for your future you will need to regularly contribute money to a Savings Plan. These are also know as and RSP Retirement Savings Plan.


Although you might think you are too young to think about retirement now, saving enough money to retire is a long and difficult task. The choices you make now will effect you for the rest of your life. Start saving early.


Think back to your Savings Target that included the increase in living cost because of Inflation. How long do you think it will take you to save enough money to make you target? How much money would you have to regularly contribute to save enough money to retire? How much can you afford to contribute every month?


Creating the formula 创建公式

Abbreviations used for the formulas in this section

  • A = Accumulated Total 累计总和
  • P = Initial Principle 本金
  • c = Contributions (equal annual contributions) 存款
  • r = Rate (Interest Rate) 利率
  • n = Number of years 年数

To keep the math simple for this example we will create a formula based on yearly interest and regular contributions. However This formula could be expanded to factor in compound interest for more advanced calculations.


Each Savings Plan will start with an initial investment. Each year this investment will receive interest. This section of the formula is “Initial Principle” multiplied by the formula for interest.


A = P(1+r)n

Regular contributions will also be made in addition to the Initial Principle invested. These regular contributions will also receive interest. Regular yearly contributions create a pattern though. In math this is called a Geometric Series. Any Geometric Series can be simplified. However it is important to understand how the series works. By simplifying a Geometric Series we can quickly calculate a total for any year in the future. Irregular contributions are much more difficult to calculate, and require you to understand how the series works. 


Year 年Process in building the formula. 创建等比数列公式过程。
1P(1+r) + c(1+r)
2P(1+r)2 + c{ (1+r) + (1+r)2 }
3P(1+r)3 + c{ (1+r) + (1+r) + (1+r)3}
4P(1+r)4+ c{ (1+r) + (1+r) + (1+r)3 + (1+r)4}
5P(1+r)5 + c{ (1+r) + (1+r) + (1+r)3 + (1+r)4 + (1+r)5}
nP(1+r)n + c{ (1+r) + (1+r) + (1+r)3 + (1+r)4 + (1+r)5 +  ….. + (1+r)n}

When we simplify the formula we reduce the Geometric Series created by the regular contributions and the interest to its simplest form. We are then left with the formula:

A  =   P(1 + r)n   +   c [ {(1 + r)n – 1} / r ]

The formula looks very large when written out, but it can be simplified into smaller sections. You could also look at this formula as the following two concepts.

A = “Initial Principle with Interest” + “Regular Contributions with Interest”
A = “ 连利本金” + “连利定期存款”

We have created a simple formula that will calculate our accumulated total based on yearly interest and regular yearly contributions. This will allow us to make basic calculations. Professional Financial Planners will need to create even more complex formulas to factor in compound interest, irregular monthly contributions, and even make compensations for inflation.


Example 例证

Calculate an estimated accumulated total for when you retire. We will factor that we are going to start saving a few years after we graduate university and get a job. Lets predict we start our savings at age 25, and we want to retire at age 65. The Initial Principle invested will be ¥20,000. Each month you will contribute an additional ¥5,000 to your savings plan. Remember there are 12 months in a year and our formula factors in yearly contributions. The interest rate we will use is 3%.


First we will need to convert all the information into the same format as our formula. 

n = “Retirement Age” – “Age Investment Starts” 
n = “退休年龄” – “开始存款年龄”
n = 65 – 25
n = 40

c = “Monthly Contributions” X “Number of Months”
c = “每月存款” X “月份”
c = ¥5,000 X 12
c = ¥60,000

Now we will need to enter in all the information into our formula to calculate our Accumulated total for our Savings Plan. In the example we will only keep 2 decimal places.  What is being calculated at each step in the example will be highlighted.


A  =   P(1 + r)n   +   c [ {(1 + r)n – 1} / r ]
A  =  ¥20,000(1+0.03)40 + ¥60,000[ { (1+0.03)40 -1} / 0.03]
A  =  ¥20,000(1.03)40 + ¥60,000[ { (1.03)40 -1} / 0.03]
A  =  ¥20,000(1.03)40 + ¥60,000[ { (1.03)40 -1} / 0.03]
A  =  ¥20,000(3.26) + ¥60,000[ { (3.26) -1} / 0.03]
A  =  ¥65,200 + ¥60,000[ { (3.26) -1} / 0.03]  
A  =  ¥65,200 + ¥60,000[ { (3.26) -1} / 0.03] 
A  =  ¥65,200 + ¥60,000[ 2.26)  / 0.03 ] 
A  =  ¥65,200 + ¥60,000[ 75.33 ] 
A  =  ¥65,200 + ¥4,516,800
A  =  ¥4,585,000

Therefore the proposed savings plan will result in ¥4,585,000 being saved for retirement. Now you will create your own Savings Plan. 

最后我们得到结果:在我们退休时的总金额是 ¥4,585,000。现在你要创建你自己的储蓄计划了。

This formula only calculate cash assets being saved for retirement. What other types of assets might you have acquired by the time you are ready to retire?


Instructions 说明

Row 1: Leave blank

Row 2: Merge Cells B-E and type the Main-Title

Row 3: Leave blank

Row 4: Merge Cells B-E and type the Sub-Title 

Row 5-7: Column B and C, type the English and Chinese descriptions

Row 8: Leave blank 

Row 9: Merge Cells B-E and type the Sub-Title

Row 10-14: Column B, C, and D, Type the English Chinese, and Formula descriptions

Row 1-15 Column A-F: Format like the Example

Row18-23 Column D-F: Create a “Table” that shows the final “Accumulated Total”

Cell E14: Enter the formula =P(1 + r)^n  +   c [ {(1 + r)^n- 1} / r ]
单元格E14:输入公式 =P(1 + r)^n  +   c [ {(1 + r)^n- 1} / r ]

Column E: Enter information into your Savings Plan spreadsheet to calculate your estimated savings based on the information you entered.

Compare the results of your Savings Target and your Savings Plan.

  1. Which is higher your Savings Target or your Savings Plan?
  2. What other assets might you acquire that are not accounted for in this project?
  3. Summarize what you have learnt while completing these projects.

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