Creating A Savings Target 建立储蓄目标

Think about this very important question… How much does it cost to live for an entier year?

How much it cost to live will depend on your lifestyle. Where you want to live and the types of things you want to do all effect your cost of living. However every year your cost of living increases because of inflation. How much will it cost for you to live next year? or from ten years from now?


In this project we will create a savings target for our future living expenses after we retire from work. Once completed we will have accomplished the following tasks:


  1. Determine an estimated monthly living expense for our own unique living style.
  2. Determine our estimated yearly expenses by factoring non reoccurring expense.
  3. Estimate the cost of living in the future based on our life style and current inflation.
  4. Estimate how much money we would need to save based on our living style if we want to retire at a desired age.

Use the information on this page to help you estimate your yearly living expenses.

Cost Comparison of Living Expenses 2010  |  2010年生活消费比较

Expense Type消费类型Hefei 合肥Beijing 北京Increase 增加
1 bedroom Urban Apartment城区1室CN¥800.00CN¥3,500.00437.5%
1 bedroom Rural Apartment城郊1室CN¥300.00CN¥2,000.00666.7%
3 bedrooms Urban Apartment城区3室CN¥2,600.00CN¥7,500.00288.5%
3 bedrooms Rural Apartment城郊3室CN¥1,800.00CN¥4,500.00250.0%
Basic Utilities 85M2 Apartment85平米基本公用事业CN¥200.00CN¥300.00150.0%
Internet (6Mbps Unlimited)互联网 (6Mbps)CN¥80.00CN¥138.00172.5%
1KG of Rice1千克大米CN¥12.00CN¥7.0058.3%
12 Eggs12个鸡蛋CN¥11.40CN¥11.84103.9%
1KG of Chicken1千克肌肉CN¥15.50CN¥25.00161.3%
1 KG of Apples1千克苹果CN¥8.00CN¥10.00125.0%
1L of Milk1升牛奶CN¥18.00CN¥12.0066.7%
Inexpensive Restaurant普通餐厅CN¥19.00CN¥20.00105.3%
Mid-Range Restaurant中档餐厅CN¥75.00CN¥120.00160.0%
One-way Ticket单程票CN¥1.50CN¥2.00133.3%
Monthly Pass月票CN¥120.00CN¥113.3694.5%
Monthly Fitness Club Fee健身俱乐部月卡CN¥200.00CN¥250.00125.0%
Cinema, Single Admission单张电影票CN¥50.00CN¥75.00150.0%
Overall Comparison 整体比较

The average distribution of expenditures for residence of Beijing

  1. Where do you want to live?
  2. Is it a large city like Beijing or a regular sized city like Hefei? 
  3. Do you want to live in the center of the city (Urban) or outside the city (Rural)?
  4. Do you want a small single room apartment or a large 3 bedroom apartment?
  5. Looking at the information in the cost comparison chart, how much is the average cost of an apartment based on the decisions you made in questions 1-4?
  6. Now you know how much your apartment will likely cost per month, calculate an estimated cost for groceries based on the graph showing the distribution of expenses for residence of Beijing.
  7. In your opinion do you think estimating expenses using statistical data to be reliable? There is no wrong answer. Look at the examples showing different arguments.
    • Example1: I think you can estimate other expenses using comparisons to other expenses from statistical data. If a person is renting a 3 bedroom apartment they likely have a family, which would mean their expenses for groceries and utilities would also be proportionately higher.
    • Example 2: I don’t think using cost comparisons is accurate. I just want a big apartment for no one else but me. Just because I get a bigger apartment dose not mean I am going to spend more money on groceries than if I rent a single bedroom apartment.
  8. How often do you eat at restaurants? Are they expensive restaurants? How much do you think you would spend each month?
  9. What do you do for leisure and how much would you spend a month?
  10. What type of things do you like to buy? Are they expensive designer products? How much do you think you would spend shopping each month? 

Instructions for creating the Savings Target Spreadsheet

Table 1: Estimated Yearly Living Costs   |    预计每年生活费用

Row 1: Leave blank

Row 2: Merge Cells B-F and type the title

Row 3: Leave blank

Row 4: Type the English headings for Columns B-F

Row 5: Type the Chinese headings for Columns B-F

Row 6-17: Type the expense types in English in Column B and Chinese in Column C

Row 6-17: In column E enter in 12 for the number of months in a year

Row 6-17: In Column F use a multiplication formula “Column D multiplied by Column E”

Row 19: Use the SUM formula to calculate totals for Column D and Column F 

Format Row 1-20 Column A-G like the example

Table 2: Estimated Future Cost of Living   |    未来生活消费预算

Row 22: Leave Blank

Row 23: Merge Cells C-E and type the title

Row 24: leave blank

Row 25-28: Type the yearly Expense types in Column C and D

Cell E24: Use the SUM formula to calculate the Total of Column F Row 6-17

Cell E29: Use the SUM formula to find the yearly total including non-reoccurring expenses

Row 30: Leave blank

Row 31-33: Type the titles for the various estimates in Column C and D

Cell E31: Use the inflation formula Pn=P*(1+i)^n to calculate the estimated yearly cost of living at age 65. “P” is your total estimated living costs in Cell E29. You will need to calculate a value for “n”. Subtract your age from 65 to determine in how many years from now you will be 65 years old. “i” is the average inflation rate in China from the last project.
第31行E栏:使用通货膨胀公式 Pn=P*(1+i)^n估算65岁时的年消费情况。“P”是位于第29行E栏的总消费预算,你还需要计算“n”的值。用65岁减去你现在的年龄,即还差多少年到65岁。“i”是在上一个设计中提到的中国平均通胀率。

Cell E32: Use the inflation formula Pn=P*(1+i)^n to calculate the estimated yearly cost of living at age 85.
第32行E栏:使用通货膨胀公式 Pn=P*(1+i)^n预算85岁时的年消费

Cell E33: Use the AVERAGE formula to calculate an average cost of living during your first 20 years of retirement.

Format Row 22-34 Column B-F like the example

Table 3: Savings Target   |   储蓄目标

Row 36: Merge Cells C-E and type in tittle.

Row 37: Merge Cells C-E Use a multiplication formula to multiple Cell E33 by 20. This will provided you an estimated cost of living with inflation for 20 years of retirement starting at age 65.

Format Row 36-38 Column B-F like the example

  1. How much is your Savings Target?
  1. Were you expecting your Savings Target to such a high cost?

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