Data Management: List of Formulas | 公式列表

English中文Formula 公式
Addition加法A=SUM(CELL + CELL)A= SUM( “单元格” + “单元格” )
Subtraction减法S=SUM(CELL – CELL)S= SUM( “单元格” + “单元格” )
Addition (List of Numbers)加法(数列)A=SUM(First CELL : Last CELL)A= SUM( “第一个单元格” + “最后一个单元格” )
Multiplication 乘法M=(CELL * Cell)M= ( “单元格” * “单元格” )
Division除法D=(CELL / CELL)D= ( “单元格” / “单元格” )
Average平均数A=AVERAGE(First CELL : Last CELL)A=AVERAGE( “第一个单元格”+“最后一个单元格” )
Count计数C=COUNT(First CELL : Last CELL)C=COUNT ( “第一个单元格” + “最后一个单元格” )
Gross Profit毛利润GP=sum(“Sales Price” – “Cost”)毛利润 = ( “销售价格” – “成本” )
Gross Profit Margin毛利率GPM=(“Gross Profit” / “Sale Price”)毛利率 = ( “毛利润” / “销售价格” )
Net Profit净利润NP= “Gross Profit”  – “Operational Expenses”净利润 = ( “毛利润” – “运作花费” )
Net Profit Margin净利率NPM=(“Net Profit” / “Sale Price”)净利率 = ( “净利润” / “销售价格” )
Present Value现值P=F/(1+r)^tP=F/(1+r)^t
Future Value未来值F=P(1+r)F=P(1+r)
Loans with Compound Interest连带复利的贷款A=P*(1+r/n)^(n*t)A=P*(1+r/n)^(n*t)
Consumer Price Index消费者价格指数CPI= {(F-I)/I}*100CPI= {(F-I)/I}*100
Regular Contribution & Interest定期连利存款A =P(1 + r)^n  +   c [ {(1 + r)^n- 1} / r ]A =P(1 + r)^n  +   c [ {(1 + r)^n- 1} / r ]
NOTE: all equations must be entered using standard brackets “( )” in Microsoft Excel. If you see a formula with square “[ ]” or curly brackets “{ }” you will need to substitute standard brackets “( )”.

You might ask why did we use different types of brackets when listing the equation? The reason is simple, it is easier to see the order of operations in complex equations when multiple brakes types are used.

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