Rectifier Circuits 整流电路

Rectifiers are incredibly useful circuits that can convert alternating current (AC) to a direct current (DC). These circuits are created using diodes which restrict the flow of electrons to one direction.


Alternating Current (AC)

Alternating Current (AC) a current that changes its magnitude and polarity at regular time intervals. An alternating current can also be defined as an electrical current which repeatedly changes or reverses its direction.


Direct Current (DC)

Direct Current (DC) is a current that only flows in one directional. Unlike an alternating current, the direction and amperage of a direct current dose not change. Direct current is used in many household electronics and in any devices that use batteries.


Half Wave Rectifier

A half wave rectifier is a simple circuit to build. It uses a single diode to eliminate the negative duty cycle of an alternating current so the flow of electrons is always flows in one direction; however this circuit is limited as does not provide a stable supply of power. As a result simple loads in a circuit such as a LED would flicker, and more sophisticated digital circuits would not work properly due to inconstancy in the power supply.


Full Wave Rectifier

Using a more complex circuit design, a full wave rectifier is able to inverse the direction of the negative duty cycle of an alternating current. This produces a more stable power supply. Although the power output has been drastically improved when compared to a half wave rectifier, the full wave rectifier still does not produce a perfect DC output.


Stabilized Full Wave Rectifier

By using capacitors the power output of a full wave rectifier can be stabilized to provide a more consistent power output. When the duty cycle is high the capacitors will charge, then as the power level drops the capacitors will discharge releasing power to the load. This in effects stabilizes the power output and provides a reliable output with only minor power fluctuations.


3-Phase Generator

An alternator, also known as an electric generator, can be either a singe phase generator which produces an alternating current. Alternatively a three phase generators offers increased reliability for commercial and industrial use by creating a 3 alternating currents that ensures continuous power generation. Moreover, the threephase alternating current runs more economical that a single phase and allows for a balance power load.


3-Phase Rectifier

Using a more advanced design than the full wave rectifier, a 3-phase rectifier can produce a near perfect power output for devices that rely on direct current without the need for capacitors or power stabilizers. Coupled with power stabilizers, the 3-phase rectifier is the ideal choice of circuits for renewable energy projects such as a wind turbine.


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