Circuit Design 电路设计

The importance that electrical engineering plays in our modern society is paramount. We are more connected than ever before and the demand for electrical and computer engineers to design new and innovative technologies is at an all time high. Electrical engineering also plays a critical role to the long-term economic strategies of most countries, and this is particularly true for China. Companies like Huawei which is now a world leader in 5G technologies, and Alibaba corporation has become a world leader in mobile finances are both great examples of world class innovation coming out of China. And there are so many more great companies that are developing new technologies that will change our world forever.


Due to its importance, electrical engineering plays a pivotal role in the established curricula of many of our STEM programs; however, educators are free to use our materials any way that they like and build new programs of study that suit their particular needs. To make it easier for educators we have provided a list of all of our electrical experiments (organized by category) for your convenience.


To help educators develop and implement cost effective electrical engineering programs, Sino-Exchange has designed numerous circuit designs that utilize the fewest number of parts possible. This allows educators to buy parts in bulk and make versatile electronic parts kits that students can use for a wide variety of projects. With this approach students get the opportunity to create their own circuits, think about how components interconnect, the polarity of each component, and the intended function of the circuit. We also have a number of levelled circuit designs which makes it even easier for educators to differentiate their lessons based on individual student needs. Finally, the approach we took in designing our circuit board projects also lays the foundations for educators to introduce students to Electrical CAD software quickly and easily.


Project Exemplars 项目样例

What You Need 需要什么

To learn more about what you need to start your own electrical engineering program, you can explore the following links.

Ordering Electrical Components

Search For Projects By Category 按类别搜索项目

Building & Testing Circuits in CAD中电路的构建与测试

It is easy to learn how to build these circuits using a wide variety of electrical CAD programs once students learn how to build the circuits using our rapid prototyping method.


Simulation of a the “Aviation Control Circuit” that can be used to control the anti-collision lights, beacon lights, and navigation lights in a model aircraft. If this project interests you, please refer to the “Sea Otter” aviation project.