Dear Educators,

On October 23 to October 28, Hua Quan Village and Sino-Exchange will be hosting a free community outreach program that will focus on STEM education for middle school students living in the general Yingtan area. The entire program will be available completely free of charge for those selected to participate in this 1 week after-school event. We will be hosting 2 separate programs, with each program being able to accommodate 24 students each. The first program will be geared towards grade 7 & 8 students and will focus on aerospace engineering, whereas the second program will be available for grade 8 & 9 students and will focus on structural engineering.  


Our aim with this program is to provide the most deserving students access to the best educational opportunities possible. With world renowned educators, those in attendance will have access to the same quality programs as some of the most prestigious private schools in Beijing and Shanghai typically offer their students. However, we need your help. In-order to select the best students for this program we need quality educators such as yourself to nominate students who you think could benefit from this type of program. 


Once all the applications have been received, 24 students for each program will be selected using a lottery system. All interested students will be entered into the program. However, students who have a household family income of less than 10,000RMB per month will be entered a second time, and individuals with a letter of recommendation from a homeroom teacher, school counselor, or school principal will be entered a second or third time accordingly. Please note that the letter of reference is not to indicate if the student is the top student in their class academically. Instead, the letter of recommendation should indicate how the student would benefit from the program, i.e., “students __ struggles with standardized tests but has demonstrated a high level of critical thinking in class…”, “____ has not been doing as well as they could this year as they have had to work on the farm to help support their family instead of studying…”, “___ wants to become an engineer when they grow up so they can help improve the lives of the people”, etc.  


On the final day of the outreach program, we will showcase the students work to the public, have a community arts and crafts activity, museum tour, and have an awards and scholarship ceremony. During the community arts and craft activity the students will be encouraged to bring a sibling, parent, grandparent, or a friend with them to spend the afternoon together at the village. Mrs. Salpi has arranged a cross cultural arts and craft activity, and Ms. Ma and Ms. Candeleria have prepared a guided museum tour for all our guests. Both events will be free to the public. Finally, during our awards ceremony we will offer 24 students (12 in each group) a guaranteed and fully paid for scholarships for our next STEM outreach program. 


Yours in education,

John Bayramian, Head of Education at Hua Quan Village

Scott A. Campbell, Founder & CEO of Sino-Exchange