Facilitating Learning Part 5: The Benefits of Satellite Campuses and Remote Learning.《促进现代学习》第 五部分:卫星校园和远程学习的好处。
As we have seen so far, education has been gradually changing for quite a while now; however, with the advent of AI, our existing paradigm of education has been shattered beyond repair. Therefore, we are now at a turning point, and there is no going back. Thus, we have been left with one of two options: change with the times or be left behind.
While these changes may seem abrupt to some educators, these changes have actually been relatively slow and gradual. Moreover, the signs of what is yet to come have always been there. You just had to know where to look. Moreover, we are not as ill-prepared for these changes as some people may think. We have had the tools to deal with these changes all along! Things like STEM education, the Engineering & Design Process, and the Scientific Method all focus on inquiry and discovery-based learning. As such, these are all educational strategies that the AI revolution will not negatively impact. In all reality, these strategies will become even more critical than they have ever been in the past.
虽然在一些教育工作者看来,这些变化似乎很突然,但实际上这些变化是相对缓慢和渐进的。而且,未来的迹象一直都在。你只需要知道往哪里看。此外,我们并不像有些人想象的那样,对这些变化准备不足。我们一直都有应对这些变化的工具!STEM 教育、工程与设计过程和科学方法等都注重探究和发现式学习。因此,这些都是人工智能革命不会产生负面影响的教育策略。实际上,这些策略将变得比以往任何时候都更加重要。
However, the nature of what the classroom looks like is also changing as well. As we often say in teachers ‘ college, the idea of the “sage on the stage” is now obsolete! Classrooms will no longer be defined by students sitting in neat little rows listening to a teacher who has historically been a gateway to information access. We are past this stage in human evolution. Instead, classrooms will become more dynamic, focusing on discovery and inquiry. A philosophy that is centred around the pursuit of information, rather than the mere memorization of knowledge or facts. Which leads me to a question that I am now being asked quite often:
然而,课堂的本质也在发生变化。正如我们在师范学院常说的那样,”台上圣人 “的观念已经过时!教室将不再是学生整齐地坐成一排听老师讲课的地方,老师在历史上一直是获取信息的入口。我们已经过了人类进化的这一阶段。取而代之的是,课堂将变得更加充满活力,注重发现和探究。这种理念的核心是对信息的追求,而不仅仅是对知识或事实的记忆。这就引出了一个我现在经常被问到的问题:
“Why would people leave big cities to learn STEM in the countryside?
That is a perfectly valid question. After all, it seems counterintuitive based on our established paradigms of education; however, the educational landscape has been changing rapidly for over a century now, which means our preconceived notions of what quality education should look like may no longer be valid in the modern era.
Let me explain this idea a bit further. For most of human history, knowledge has been highly centralized, and as a result, knowledge and information have been made relatively inaccessible to the masses. For instance, the wealth of human knowledge has always been stored in great libraries: Libraries such as the Library of Ashurbanipal, Alexandria, the Imperial Library of Constantinople, as well as the personal libraries of many great Noble and Royal families. However, the average citizen would have no claim to that knowledge. It was restricted and was only made available to a select few — the elite, and they would have to travel great distances, to some of the world’s largest urban centres, to investigate their query. This tradition of the centralization of knowledge continued into the modern era. It led to the founding of some of the world’s most desirable educational institutions, such as Sorbonne, Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, Yale, John Hopkins, and Harvard University, just to name a few. Again, this practice of centralizing information, which was in part a necessity of the times, reinforced the idea that the best education could only be found in the big cities, and for most of human history, this appraisal was completely accurate.
As time went on, great libraries were curated by institutions of higher learning, typically located in the most densely populated urban centres. For instance, Oxford and Cambridge, founded in 1167 and 1209, respectively, have been curating their libraries for centuries. However, at the time, regional libraries contained original manuscripts and scrolls, and any copies had to be duplicated by hand. As such, for most of human history, information has always been consolidated into centralized locations, and access to it has been highly regulated. It was highly localized, coveted, and protected due to its delicate nature. However, during the 15th century, we saw the introduction of the movable type printing press (which is also known as the Gutenberg Press), which started making information more accessible to the masses. With technological advancement, manuscripts could be mass-produced and shared more freely, which helped to decentralize information. This led to the development of new and more modern university archives, which allowed institutions in the new world to establish world-class libraries that could compete with those that were typically only ever found in the old world. Institutions like Harvard (1636), Yale (1701), and Johns Hopkins University (1876) which are now amongst the best-ranked universities in the world.
随着时间的推移,一般位于人口最稠密的城市中心的高等学府都建立了大型图书馆。例如,分别成立于 1167 年和 1209 年的牛津大学和剑桥大学几个世纪以来一直在管理自己的图书馆。然而,当时地区图书馆收藏的都是手稿和卷轴原件,任何副本都必须手工复制。因此,在人类历史的大部分时间里,信息总是被集中在一起,对信息的获取也有严格的规定。由于其微妙的性质,它被高度本地化、令人垂涎并受到保护。然而,在 15 世纪,我们看到了活字印刷术(又称古腾堡印刷术)的问世,它开始让大众更容易获取信息。随着技术的进步,手稿可以批量生产并更自由地分享,这有助于分散信息。这导致了新的、更现代化的大学档案馆的发展,使新世界的机构能够建立世界一流的图书馆,与通常只在旧世界才能找到的图书馆相抗衡。像哈佛大学(1636 年)、耶鲁大学(1701 年)和约翰霍普金斯大学(1876 年)这样的大学,如今都已跻身世界一流大学之列。
In addition to the centralization of knowledge and information, we also see the effects of the industrial age, which began in earnest in the 1830s, on our education system. Students were trained, or conditioned, to sit still and do a task. Subjects were also stranded into narrow fields of study that helped stream students based on their aptitudes. As such, we created our education system to focus on knowledge recall and memorization of facts during the analog era as the information could only be accessed from one of these great libraries, and the only way to access it after the fact was to memorize as much of it as you could. Moreover, we were conditioned and streamed to join the assembly line and advance the industrial complex of the age. Thus, it remained unchanged for generations, but the times have changed! We have moved past the industrial age, blazed past the electronic age, the age of information, and we are now entering into the age of AI… and yet our education system still lingers in the past! It is still clinging to a pre-digital era where information was highly centralized and made generally inaccessible to the masses; however, this is not the world we live in today!
While all of this may seem fascinating, it still does not answer the question as to why I have decided to leave the city to focus on STEM education in a rural setting and why I would encourage others to do the same! The belief that the best education can only be found in large cities, which has been a fact of life for most of human history, is now an obsolete paradigm. That idea was only accurate in the pre-digital age. You no longer need to go to one of the world’s great libraries to access information, and you do not need to be one of the few elites privileged enough to be granted access to these vast archives. Now, with a smartphone and an internet connection, anyone can access a global network of interconnected databases that contain vast amounts of information. We are now in an age where the memorization of facts is no longer necessary; instead, we are in an age where being able to find and utilize that information is far more critical. Yet many educational systems are yet to catch up with that concept and still focus heavily on standardized tests that focus on the memorization of facts instead of the valuable application of that knowledge.
虽然所有这一切似乎都很吸引人,但它仍然没有回答我为什么决定离开城市,到农村专注于 STEM 教育,以及我为什么鼓励其他人也这样做的问题!在人类历史的大部分时间里,人们一直认为只有在大城市才能获得最好的教育,但这种观念现在已经过时了。这种想法只有在前数字时代才是正确的。你不再需要去世界上最伟大的图书馆之一获取信息,你也不需要成为少数几个有特权进入这些庞大档案的精英之一。现在,只要有一部智能手机和一个互联网连接,任何人都可以访问包含大量信息的全球互联数据库网络。我们现在所处的时代不再需要死记硬背;相反,我们所处的时代,能够找到并利用这些信息更为重要。然而,许多教育系统尚未跟上这一理念的步伐,仍然非常注重标准化考试,这些考试侧重于记忆事实,而不是对知识进行有价值的应用。
Therefore, in my opinion, location no longer matters anymore! I can access the same information in the countryside as I can in the big city; that is the first paradigm-shifting concept we need to be aware of. The big cities are no longer localized hubs of information; instead, they are just places where people dwell and congregate. Information has been decentralized, and it can be accessed from anywhere. However, that still does not answer the question as why I encourage people to leave cities behind to explore advanced academic concepts through the exploration of STEM education in rural environments.
因此,在我看来,地点不再重要!我在农村和在大城市可以获取同样的信息;这是我们需要意识到的第一个范式转换概念。大城市不再是本地化的信息中心,而只是人们居住和聚集的地方。信息已经分散,可以从任何地方获取。然而,这仍然没有回答为什么我鼓励人们离开城市,通过探索农村环境中的 STEM 教育来探索先进的学术理念。
The second aspect of this equation is the accessibility of learning opportunities. The traditional classroom is not conducive to exploratory learning. They have been created for standardized instruction using books, but they need to be better equipped for exploration and discovery. As such, I could easily teach and prepare students for a test or exam in the city, but it was always challenging to prepare them for life after school. I could not prepare my students for the real world because the standard representation of the classroom had become a sterile learning environment. A learning environment that had become increasingly disassociated from the world outside the four enclosing classroom walls. Even taking the students outside was still very limited, especially in densely populated urban centres!
For instance, sections 2.2 Rivers, 2.3 Coasts, 2.5 Climate and Natural Vegetation, 3.2 Food Production, 3.4 Tourism, 3.5 Energy, etc., of the GCSE Geography curriculum all require case studies to be conducted to complete the program of study successfully. However, how do we explore rivers, coasts, vegetation, etc. in the city? We can’t! Or at least we can’t do it in an authentic way. We could review video documentaries or written articles, but this is just passive interaction with information with little authentic learning or understanding being developed. For these things, we really need to get out of the classroom, we need to get out of the cities and interact with the world around us to understand better the world we live in… and perhaps if we did, we would not be having so many environmental disasters as we are experiencing in recent times.
例如,GCSE 地理课程中的 2.2 河流、2.3 海岸、2.5 气候和自然植被、3.2 粮食生产、3.4 旅游、3.5 能源等章节都要求进行案例研究,以顺利完成学习计划。然而,我们如何探索城市中的河流、海岸、植被等?我们做不到!至少我们不能以真实的方式进行。我们可以回顾视频纪录片或书面文章,但这只是被动地与信息互动,几乎没有真正的学习或理解。对于这些事情,我们真的需要走出教室,走出城市,与我们周围的世界互动,以更好地了解我们生活的世界……也许如果我们这样做了,我们就不会像近来经历的那么多环境灾难了。
That is just one example, though. However, you might argue that this argument is irrelevant to you because you do not teach geography. What about individuals who teach the core subjects such as English, Math, and Science? Well, when doing my master’s degree in England at the University of Cumbria, I visited the lake country. I sat where William Wordsworth, born April 7, 1770, once sat as he helped advance the English Romantic movement. Suddenly, his words came alive. I could see the landscape as it was meant to be seen, giving me an entirely new perspective of the words he wrote. These words that carried little meaning to me until I truly understood what he meant by them. Now, we will not all travel worldwide just to better understand English literature, but this same idea holds true for the maths and sciences.
这只是一个例子。不过,你可能会说,这个论点与你无关,因为你不教地理。那么教授英语、数学和科学等核心科目的人呢?在英国坎布里亚大学攻读硕士学位时,我曾去过湖区。我坐在 1770 年 4 月 7 日出生的威廉-华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)曾经坐过的地方,他帮助推动了英国浪漫主义运动的发展。突然间,他曾说的话变得鲜活起来。我看到了他笔下的风景,对他的文字有了全新的认识。在我真正理解他的意思之前,这些文字对我来说意义不大。现在,我们不会为了更好地理解英国文学而环游世界,但这一想法同样适用于数学和科学。
As a STEM teacher, I always look for authentic, real-world applications to design my lessons around. While there are many approaches that are valid, aviation and astronomical engineering (rocketry) are fields of study that I personally find fascinating while also being incredibly valuable in our current economy where fuel costs are at an all-time high and space travel is now opening for commercial tourism amongst the super-elite. For years, I have conducted projects where I have had students learn the math and science of aviation and to build models that apply what they have learnt. However, I have never been able to do the most essential thing: have the students test their theories in the real world. You might ask, “Why is this?”, “Why would you have your students design and build an experiment and then stop short of testing it? Well, it comes down to the restrictive nature of the classroom and the urban learning environment. Unfortunately, during my time in Beijing, I was unable to test these kinds of projects due to my proximity to a Chinese military facility in the centre of the city, then in Shanghai, we could not fly anything over 20 meters off the ground due to the two international airports on either side of the city. Therefore, in both of these major urban centres, I could never move beyond theory and into application. However, in the countryside, I have no such restrictions.
作为一名 STEM 教师,我一直在寻找真实的、现实世界中的应用来设计我的课程。虽然有许多方法都是有效的,但航空和天文工程(火箭)是我个人认为非常吸引人的研究领域,同时在我们当前的经济环境中也非常有价值,因为在当前的经济环境中,燃料成本处于历史最高水平,而太空旅行现在正在为超级精英们的商业旅游而开放。多年来,我一直在开展一些项目,让学生学习航空数学和科学知识,并建立模型来应用所学知识。然而,我从未做过最基本的事情:让学生在现实世界中检验他们的理论。你可能会问:”这是为什么?””为什么你让学生设计和建造一个实验,却不进行测试?这归结于课堂和城市学习环境的限制性。不幸的是,当我在北京时,由于靠近市中心的中国军事设施,我无法测试这类项目;而在上海,由于城市两侧有两个国际机场,我们无法飞行离地 20 米以上的任何东西。因此,在这两个主要城市中心,我永远无法超越理论,进入应用领域。然而,在农村,我却没有这样的限制。
Now that information has been decentralized in the digital age, my physical location is no longer my limiting factor. I can access the same information in the countryside as in the city; however, a rural setting provides me the opportunity to conduct STEM projects in a far more comprehensive way than I ever could in the city. I can go to the river and take soil and water samples and analyze for dissolved oxygen and nitrates. I can design, build, and test rockets to test my theories and do so much more.
现在,信息已经在数字时代实现了分散化,我的地理位置不再是限制我的因素。在农村,我可以获取与城市相同的信息;但是,农村环境为我提供了开展 STEM 项目的机会,其全面程度远远超过城市。我可以到河边采集土壤和水样,分析溶解氧和硝酸盐。我可以设计、建造和测试火箭来验证我的理论,还可以做更多的事情。
For instance, I can take a compartmentalized curriculum such as the British IGCSE framework and apply targeted learning outcomes to authentically apply that knowledge using an IB or STEM educational framework. For instance, section 3.5 of the geography curriculum focuses on “energy”. In a rural setting, I can have the students conduct land surveys and identify the best location for a wind turbine. I can then have them design, build, and test their turbine. Borrowing ideas from the IGCSE physics curriculum, we can look at full wave rectifiers, which convert the alternating current from an alternator to a direct current that we can use for our digital devices. As a result, this project would also apply the following aspects of the physics curriculum: 1.5 forces, 1.5.1 effects of forces, 1.7 energy, work and power, 3.1 general wave properties, 4.2.1 electrical charges, 4.2.2 current, 4.2.4 potential difference, 4.2.5 Resistance, 4.3 Electric circuits, 4.3.2 circuit diagrams, 4.6.2 A.C generator. Not only that, but I would also need to borrow from the Design & Technology curriculum and the general maths curriculum as well to complete this type of project. However, unlike in the city, I can finally put these ideas into practice in a real-world context and finally answer the age-old question of “Teacher, why are we learning this?”.
例如,我可以采用英国 IGCSE 框架等分门别类的课程,并利用 IB 或 STEM 教育框架,应用有针对性的学习成果来真实地应用这些知识。例如,地理课程第 3.5 节的重点是 “能源”。在农村环境中,我可以让学生进行土地调查,确定安装风力涡轮机的最佳位置。然后,我可以让他们设计、建造和测试他们的涡轮机。借鉴 IGCSE 物理课程的理念,我们可以研究全波整流器,它可以将交流发电机产生的交流电转换成直流电,供我们的数字设备使用。因此,本项目还将应用物理课程的以下内容:1.5 力、1.5.1 力的作用、1.7 能量、功和功率、3.1 一般波的特性、4.2.1 电荷、4.2.2 电流、4.2.4 电位差、4.2.5 电阻、4.3 电路、4.3.2 电路图、4.6.2 交流发电机。不仅如此,我还需要借用设计与技术课程和普通数学课程来完成这类项目。不过,与在城市里不同的是,我终于可以在现实世界中将这些想法付诸实践,并最终回答 “老师,我们为什么要学这个?”这个老生常谈的问题。
That is why I have decided to leave the city and focus on developing STEM outreach programs in the countryside. I also recommend others to leave the city to engage with the world around them. That does not mean that you need to leave the city indefinitely. The classroom is still a great place to learn ideas and concepts as it is a relatively distraction-free environment; however, once you have developed a base level of knowledge, you need to understand it and apply it meaningfully! And that is where educational outreach programs come into play, and where better to experience the world than in the countryside, where you can experience the natural world around you.
这就是为什么我决定离开城市,专注于在乡村开展 STEM 外展项目。我也建议其他人离开城市,去接触周围的世界。但这并不意味着你需要无限期地离开城市。课堂仍然是学习思想和概念的好地方,因为它是一个相对不受干扰的环境;但是,一旦你掌握了基础知识,你就需要理解它并有意义地应用它!这正是教育推广计划发挥作用的地方,而体验世界最好的地方莫过于乡村,在那里你可以体验周围的自然世界。
International Baccalaureate, Baccalauréat International, Bachillerato Internacional and IB are registered trademarks owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization.
International Baccalaureate、Baccalauréat International、Bachillerato Internacional 和 IB 是国际文凭组织拥有的注册商标。
IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations
IGCSE 是剑桥国际考试委员会的注册商标。
GCSE is the registered trademark of the Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment
GCSE 是课程考试与评估委员会的注册商标