Building an Architectural Model 建筑模型
In the previous lesson students created their own original apartment design at a scale of 1:100. Now in order to build a model students will need to recreate their design at a larger scale. To do this you will need to use the larger A3 design template. Download and print this template, and then have students recreate their drawings at scale. No calculations will be necessary as the grid has been enlarged proportionally so students only need to recreate their designs based on the grid points.
在之前的课程中学生以1:100的比例设计了一室单人公寓。现在,为了创建模型,学生将需要在更大的比例上进行重新设计。这时就需要使用 A3 设计模板。下载并打印此模板,然后让学生按照比例重新进行绘图设计。由于网格只是按比例放大,学生无需重新计算,只需根据网格点重新设计。
Once the students have completed their enlarged designs they will need to carefully mount their designs on a sheet of A3 foam-board. You can use glue, but double sided tape is best as it results in a cleaner cut when the designs are trimmed down. Next, once the designs are mounted, have students use an exacto knife to trim the designs to size.
With all these steps completed students will need to calculate how high doors, windows, and walls should be and then they can start creating all of the wall segments. When building models it is a good idea to start with the largest walls first. The largest walls will normally be the exterior walls, so start with these walls first.