The use of an inline style is the most basic method used to stylize different elements in an HTML document. By using inline styles the programer can adjust a number of different style attributes such as the “font-size” and “color” of a specific element.
Style attributes can be applied to different HTML elements such as a paragraph tag <p> by adding a style attribute to the tag that will be stylized.
Note 1: If the same style will be used by several different elements in an HTML document a programer can create a custom style using the style tag. By using the style tag a programmer can create an embedded style that can be used by multiple HTML elements in the document. This eliminates the need to retype the specific styles attributes multiple times.
Note 2: If the same style will be used by multiple HTML documents a programmer can create an external style sheet and then apply the styles to multiple HTML documents. If the external style sheet is changed every HTML document that references that style sheet will also be updated automatically. This helps to insures that there is consistency between different HTML documents in a website.
Syntax 语法:
The style attribute can be added to a paragraph tag by adding style=“___”. When the when the paragraph tag is modified it will look like the following:
<p style:“___”> Content here… </p>
Example 例:
Note: Using either inline or embedded styles is not as powerful as using an external style sheet; however it is important to learn how to create simple inline styles before attempting more complicated methods of stylizing your HTML documents.