Style Tag 样式标签

The style tag <style> is used for creating a specific style that will be used within your HTML document. The style tag is not visible to the person viewing a website and does not contain the actual content that will be stylized. Instead the style tag has a set of program codes that are used for styling the content in an HTML element that references the specific style.


Note: A programmer can create more than one style; however each style will need to have its own unique name. To apply a style to an element the programmer needs to create a specific HTML element with open and close tags that have the same name as the style. 


Syntax 语法:

The style tag is written as <style>   </style> with the different styles inserted between the open and close tags.

样式标签写为<style>   </style>,在打开和关闭标签之间插入不同的样式。

Example 例: 

Note: This example shows how several different styles can be combined and applied to an HTML element in a document. Styles can be applied to multiple elements and large documents may have more than one style. The examples on the following pages will elaborate on the different style attributes shown in this example.


Continue to the next example: Style Attributers – Boarder