Introduction to HTML Part 2 HTML简介第2部分

Introduction to Styles 样式简介:

A style is a set of HTML code that identifies what style attributes will be applied to different HTML elements. Although there are many different style attributes that can be applied to different HTML elements, but some of the most commonly used style attributes are:“border”, “padding”, “background”, “color”, and “font”. These style attributes can be used by themselves or in combination with other style attributes.


Styles can be applied to elements in an HTML document in three different ways. These include “inline styles”, “embedded styles”, and “external style sheets”. Each of these styles are elaborated in more detail below.


Inline Styles 行内样式:

Inline styles are applied to a specific HTML element, and the specific style attributes are applied to each element separately.


Embedded Styles 嵌入样式:

Embedded styles are defined between the an HTML document’s head tags using the style tag. An embedded style can stylize multiple HTML elements in a design. This saves the programer time by eliminating redundant program codes from being written. An HTML document can have more than one embedded style; however each style needs to have its own unique name or identifier.


External Style Sheets 外部样式表:

Large and complicated websites will often use external style sheets to apply styles across multiple HTML documents. The use of external style sheets is the most advanced and effective method to apply styles to multiple HTML documents in a website. This helps to insure that there is consistency between the different elements in the design of a website. The effective Use of external style sheets also reduces how much work the programer needs to do to keep a website up-to-date. If an external style sheet is updated then every HTML document that references that style sheet will also be updated instantly. 


Using Styles 样式的使用:

Although the use of external style sheets is the most effective method of stylizing a website, it is also the most complicated; therefore it is worth while to learn the basics of inline and embedded styles first. Once you understand the basic principles behind the commonly used style attributes it becomes much easier to understand how to create external style sheets for an entire website.


Note: The following examples focus on inline and embedded styles only.


Continue on to the first example: Inline Styles